Sommaire : Lutte contre la sélection sexuelle prénatale : Corée du Sud, Inde, Vietnam-Le Plan Puebla Panama-Le projet Constancia au Pérou-Réformes de l'enseignement supérieur au Burundi-Albert O. Hirschman. Essai de cartographie intellectuelle-Rifâ'a Al-Tahtâwî & la genèse d’une modernité alternative en Égypte-L'adaptation au changement climatique
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et al.
This book reveals the deep complexity of a contemporary space in perpetual tension between secularisation and the re-enchantment of the world.
Alain Dieckhoff, Philippe Portier
Running counter to mythical narratives, this book demonstrates how a small number of parties came to win a new political monopoly in Polland, the country of the powerful Solidarnosc union, and how they established a limited democracy and "partyocracy" on the ruins of authoritarianism.
Pologne 1989-2016
Jérome Heurtaux
Sommaire : La politisation résiliente des organisations internationales - Droits des femmes à l'Assemblée générale de l’ONU - Pratiques de dépolitisation au PNUD et au PNUE - L’Organisation internationale du travail de 1919 à nos jours - Discours et pratiques de l’OIM - Transferts et continuités de la politisation à l’OMS
La (dé)politisation des organisations internationales
Franck Petiteville
Sommaire : La menace militaire russe : une évaluation Les initiatives de l'OTAN depuis le début de la crise ukrainienne La fragmentation de l'architecture de sécurité dans la Baltique La Politique européenne de voisinage à l'épreuve de la guerre en Ukraine Les inflexions de la politique étrangère en Europe centrale & orientale après la crise
Les conséquences de la crise ukrainienne en Europe
From a socio-historical perspective, this volume puts forward an analysis of the process of institutionalisation and professionalisation occurring at the European level and presents a panorama of European actors involved in international peace-making. It is illustrated by three cases: the Middle East, Somalia, and Caucasia.
Anne Bazin, Charles Tenenbaum
Despite the principle of sovereign equality that underpins the very concept of international relations, not all ambassadors wield the same amount of power at the table during multilateral negotiations. Vincent Pouliot offers a guided tour through the back rooms of global politics.
Les luttes de rang dans la diplomatie multilatérale
Vincent Pouliot
Would critical approaches help thinking security? This is the bias of this book that highlights and discusses the contributions of critical approaches to our understanding of security.
Thierry Balzacq
Drawing on numerous case studies and the expertise of some twenty researchers, this book provides a summary of the main key resources and methods adopted in international relations research, including using archives and databases, conducting interviews, establishing a corpus, analyzing quantitative data, producing nuanced interpretation of images.
Guillaume Devin
Qu'il s'agisse du Luxembourg, du Qatar, de Singapour ou, plus généralement, des petits États au Conseil de Sécurité, ce numéro propose une réflexion sur le statut de « petit État ». Quel intérêt ces petits pays trouvent-ils dans un engagement multilatéral ? Et dans quelle mesure, inversement, contribuent-ils à transformer le multilatéralisme ?
Les petits États au prisme du multilatéralisme
Auriane Guilbaud, et al.
This book combines history, international relations and public finances to provide an implicit portrayal of an institution in which money is as much a political subject as it is budgetary. It reveals the mysteries of a still-imperfect multilateralism and calls for reform of the financial and administrative governance of the UN.
ou la crise permanente
Morgan Larhant
Pharmaceutical companies are increasingly involved in the field of international health (the fight against AIDS, tuberculosis , etc.). What is their role, what actions do they put out? Are they able to cooperate with States, NGOs, international organizations and private foundations?
Firmes privées et gouvernance mondiale de la santé
Auriane Guilbaud
OECD, World Bank , UN Women .... all organizations are now calling for "good practice" to improve their action, train their staff, improve their expertise and thereby legitimize their presence on land increasingly competition from non-state actors.
Asmara Klein, Camille Laporte
Seeking to revive the ancient tradition of the treatise, this innovative volume hopes to simultaneously be a gateway to the discipline and a source of reference for all its relevant players: students, teachers, researchers, politicians, diplomats, experts and professionals working with international organisations and associations.
Thierry Balzacq, Frédéric Ramel
The author gives a comprehensive overview of the Chinese political system that fills a major gap. This publication therefore appears essential for any researcher in RI, whatever their field of study, given the prominent role played by the Chinese power on the world stage.
Un nouvel équilibre autoritaire
Jean-Pierre Cabestan
This book questions the international cooperation by highlighting the roles, uses and transformative effects of multilateralism through the multilateral insertion of Brazil and Mexico at the United Nations (UN).
Le Brésil et le Mexique aux Nations unies
Mélanie Albaret
With this iconoclastic portrait of multilateral cooperation, Soraya Sidani offers a new perspective on the global order (or disorder) by illustrating, in the tradition of Durkheim, Merton and others, that the different aspects of social behaviour are also applicable when analysing international relations.
Soraya Sidani
A fascinating retrospective of Intelligence history (from Pearl Harbor to September 11th, from mass intoxication in preparation for the Normandy landing to Wikileaks, etc.) and a presentation of contemporary issues of Intelligence.
Géopolitique du pouvoir
Sébastien-Yves Laurent