Following the oil shock of 1973, a massive wave of inflation spread throughout Europe. This volume explores these upheavals through a broad historical lens, by examining countries in Western, Northern and Eastern Europe, as well as trade unions, businesses and international organizations, particularly the European Community and GATT.
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L'inflation en Europe dans les années 1970
Michel-Pierre Chélini, Laurent Warlouzet
Au sommaire : Le voyage du syndicalisme italien dans l'Europe du début du 20e siècle - de la difficulté de représenter le vainqueur - Serge Lifar et la genèse de la "solution finale" - les récits des survivants de la Shoah - Stratégies d'affaires au Cambodge - Genèse du service militaire adapté à l'Outre-Mer
et al.
Recueil d'expertises mutualisées et d’expériences locales dans la région méditerranéenne pour réduire le gaspillage des ressources naturelles, de l'alimentation et des connaissances, Mediterra 2016 fournit des clés de lecture et des solutions aux décideurs politiques, aux opérateurs du développement, aux professionnels et aux chercheurs.
Zéro gaspillage en Méditerranée. Ressources naturelles, alimentation et connaissances
FAO Organisation des Nations unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture, CIHEAM
Revisiting the high points of cultural policy under François Mitterrand, examining the policies that instated the 'right to cultural difference' and their culmination during the 1993 Gatt negotiations, Vincent Martigny captures the spirit of a decade that remains crucial to understand contemporary disputes over the question of identity.
Culture(s) et identités nationales (1981-1995)
Vincent Martigny
Table of contents: The political influence of colonial actors - The Birth of Vietnamese Republicanism - Algeria's Engineering of Socialist Colonial Policy - The Comintern, the French Communist Party and the Call for Algerian independence - The Messalistes and the French Left
Les gauches et les colonies
et al., Céline Marangé
In the face of the awakening of fundamentalisms and violent extremisms, Jean Picq invites us to re-read our history, to identify the key points that have allowed us to define new relations between the spiritual and the temporal and to see the triumph of reason dedicated to civil peace.
Relire l'histoire, éclairer le présent
Jean Picq
The entire standard theory of central banking is constructed on the model of independence to the state. Yet the history of central banks comes back to the state, or rather to the nation-state. In order to understand the reasons for this paradox, this book analyses the evolution of the relationship between fifteen central banks and the state.
Olivier Feiertag, Michel Margairaz
Jean-Christophe Gaven presents a large and remarkably thorough dossier on the beginnings of the Revolution, when royal sovereignty and national sovereignty were in competition. The author works meticulously to decipher the birth of this new form of criminal and political justice, entirely devoted to protecting the Revolution and its ambitions.
Histoire d'une invention juridique et politique
Jean-Christophe Gaven
This Manifesto for environmental geography illustrates a collective desire to go beyond individual practices in order to examine the epistemological and political role of geography when challenged by environmental crises.
Géographie, écologie, politique
Denis Chartier, Estienne Rodary
The book presents the completely new history of Japanese social state whose policies and knowledge were developed in the nineteenth century .
Biopolitique, travail et citoyenneté dans le Japon impérial (1868-1945)
Bernard Thomann
A unique and timely perspective on interactions between capital and industry, especially given the current on-going changes in industry.
France, Grande-Bretagne, Allemagne, 1880-1930
Philippe Marguerat
This special issue explores the effects of these memorial debates on how history is written in the 20th Spanish century, offering an overview of research conducted over the past twenty years.
Histoire et conflits de mémoire en Espagne
This panoramic volume seeks to shed light on this historical turning point in public health and 'emergency medicine', led by Justin Godart — who would later become a member of both the French Resistance and the Righteous Among the Nations — while also deciphering the sometimes questionable uses of healthcare during wartime.
Une politique pionnière en univers incertain
Vincent Viet
This volume sheds light on the women of the French Resistance from a two-fold perspective: first, their repression as orchestrated by the occupying power, and second, the recognition they received after the Liberation.
La Résistance féminine dans le Nord de la France
Catherine Lacour-Astol
Alors qu'en ce début de XXIe siècle, la construction européenne et les défis de la mondialisation ébranle les concepts classiques de l'État et de la souveraineté, Jean Picq donne des clés pour penser la question de l'État aujourd'hui et bâtir l'Europe politique de demain.
Pouvoir, justice et droit du Moyen Âge à nos jours
Through philosophical questioning and a historical approach open to input from sociology, geography, mathematical sciences, and the law, it is possible to envision a paradigm that encourages a cosmopolitical view of history that would benefit human life.
De l'origine du monde à la fin des temps
Alexandre Escudier, Laurent Martin
Designing a new architecture for social protection, the book shows that it is urgent and possible to rebuild the system. A plea for the design of a new generation of social rights, by three specialists in family policies, employment, social protection!
Pour une nouvelle génération de droits sociaux
Bernard Gazier, Bruno Palier
The desertion of politics, whose legitimacy is based on dialogue, compromise and the reference to the law, leaves the way open to a wave of multiform violence in this region. This work attempts to decipher the mechanisms behind this violence.
Pierre Blanc, Jean-Paul Chagnollaud