Des panoramas, synthèses, états de l'art (« Théories », « Dictionnaires », etc.), ouvrages de pensée destinés à faire date dans leur discipline.
Par une étude des constructions juridico-institutionnelles et de leurs évolutions, cet ouvrage met au jour les permanences et les ruptures de l'action sociale.
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De l'assistance à l'inclusion
Robert Lafore
Magnette describes its institutional mechanisms that, without abolishing sovereignty, constrained the member states of the European union to adopt cooperation and compromise rather than aggression and arrogance as a mode for decision-making.
5e édition revue et augmentée
Paul Magnette
Retracing the course of history, Gilbert Rist presents the theories and strategies that have sought to transform the world since the 1940s. His critique of development and the dominant economic paradigm reveals the limits of western hegemony, and the contradictions that result from demands for growth and the urgent need to save the planet.
Histoire d'une croyance occidentale
Gilbert Rist
L'ouvrage décrit les mécanismes de formulation de cette politique ainsi que ses fondements historiques, constitutionnels et culturels. Revenant notamment sur quatre ans de présidence Trump, ils montrent qu'aujourd'hui plus que jamais, la politique extérieure des États-Unis est la continuation de la politique intérieure par d'autres moyens.
Fondements, acteurs, formulation
Charles-Philippe David, Julien Tourreille
This annotated and contextualised anthology revisits and questions the major thinkers in political philosophy to engage with the core of their work.
ANTHOLOGIE. 3e édition revue et augmentée
Frédéric Ramel
This is an updated and augmented third edition of a book that is both extremely comprehensive and topical on contemporary China. It will enable the reader to better understand the aspirations, advantages, and weaknesses of a country that aims to become the number one world power.
Entre intégration et volonté de puissance
Jean-Pierre Cabestan
It is imperative to deconstruct this productivist imaginary that ignores the nature and content of production. This second edition of Anthropocene Politics aims to contribute to this.
Penser la décroissance. Économie de l'après-croissance. Gouverner la décroissance
Agnès Sinaï, Mathilde Szuba
Each new reform to the French retirement system provokes concern and protest from citizens who are aware that they will have to work longer than previous generations, without necessarily having the benefit of a comfortable retirement. Bruno Palier retraces the history of these reforms and explores the diversity of retirement systems across Europe.
Bruno Palier
Sabine Saurugger provides an overview of the concepts and theories developed in French and international research in political sociology, public policy, political theory, and international relations, recontextualizing the discussions and debates that shaped them.
2e édition mise à jour et augmentée
Sabine Saurugger
Conçu dans une logique pluridisciplinaire, exhaustif et didactique, ce dictionnaire offre un point de vue original sur les dynamiques territoriales contemporaines et sur les notions clés qui servent à les appréhender. Outil d'analyse et d’aide à la décision, il met un savoir clair à la disposition de tous.
Romain Pasquier, Sébastien Guigner
Cet ouvrage de référence réunit une centaine de notions et concepts clés de la contestation sociale, dont il présente l'origine et le développement, en s’appuyant sur des exemples très divers.
Olivier Fillieule, Lilian Mathieu
Ce dictionnaire offre les outils intellectuels indispensables pour comprendre les transformations contemporaines de l'action publique. Il ne se contente pas de définir des notions mais montre comment les grands concepts de ce champ d'étude se sont forgés, puis modifiés et enrichis pour prendre en compte les nouveaux acteurs et instruments.
5e édition entièrement mise à jour et augmentée
Laurie Boussaguet, Sophie Jacquot
This book is both educational and exhaustive, aimed at students, teachers, diplomats, and journalists. It presents the intellectual and historical environment of international relations, its paradigms, its key concepts and debates, and questions the connections between theory and practice.
6e édition mise à jour
Dario Battistella, Jérémie Cornut
Life at work is just as important for the construction of individuals as their social belonging or education. From the 1970s, Renaud Sainsaulieu revolutionized French sociology of organizations with this book by shedding light on the fundamental cultural effect of professional activity.
Les effets culturels de l'organisation
Renaud Sainsaulieu
This dictionary provides a unique and pluralist synthesis of contemporary knowledge in political economics. From "Austerity" to “Work” to “The 2007 Financial Crisis”, political scientists, sociologists and economists define and discuss key concepts, theoretical perspectives, and societal controversies in this vast research area.
Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoir
Colin Hay, Andy Smith
A genuinely planetary issue, long neglected amongst major world questions, migration transforms and affects international relations, and redefines state sovereignty. In particular it testifies as to the urgent need for a new diplomacy incorporating its global and regional governance.
Migrants, réfugiés et relations internationales
Catherine Wihtol de Wenden
Would critical approaches help thinking security? This is the bias of this book that highlights and discusses the contributions of critical approaches to our understanding of security.
Thierry Balzacq
The goal of the book is to present the most recent theoretical debates on multiculturalism philosophies. A sort of vade mecum for university students, academics and involved citizens, the book will interest a broad audience wishing to understand the challenges of ethnic and cultural diversity via a concise, cutting-edge summary.
Paul May