Des monographies présentant les résultats de recherches inédites dans les différentes disciplines des sciences humaines et sociales.
Between memoirs and debate, Former Foreign Minister Roland Dumas comments here the slow and difficult passage between two centuries as one of the main players in an exceptional period in terms of international relation.
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Roland Dumas
S'appuyant sur un important travail de recherche sur les politiques publiques et sur plusieurs enquêtes qu'il a lui-même réalisées au cœur de ce processus de fabrique, Philippe Zittoun propose une approche nouvelle de l'action publique qui permet de mieux comprendre l'activité de nos gouvernants, véritables Sisyphes des temps modernes.
Une approche pragmatique de l'action publique
Philippe Zittoun
This book describes and analyses the notion of Mahr, the Muslim custom whereby the groom has to give a gift to the bride in consideration of the marriage. It explores how Western courts, specifically in Canada, the United States, France, and Germany, have approached and interpreted Mahr.
Les transplantations juridiques et le regard du droit
Pascale Fournier
This book tells about why we have ignored the warnings. It discusses the frailties of the human species as expressed in both the institutions we built and the psychological dispositions that have led us to self-destruction.
Faire face à la réalité du changement climatique
Clive Hamilton
Françoise Gicquel, Jacques Treiner
Essential contribution to the debate on energy transition, the books reveals the political, economic and social mechanisms informing technological choices, consequently allowing us to evaluate France's position in comparison with Germany and Denmark.
Politiques des énergies renouvelables en Europe
Aurélien Evrard
PRIX LOUIS MARIN 2014. Au pouvoir en même temps de 1974 à 1981, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing et Helmut Schmidt ont une volonté commune : faire progresser l'union économique et monétaire en Europe. Riche des témoignages inédits des principaux acteurs, ce livre offre un éclairage sur une période d'une importance considérable pour l'histoire de l’Europe.
La persévérance récompensée
Amaury de Saint Périer
Jacques de Larosière
Peut-on offrir du sexe pour d'autres motifs que l'amour ou le désir ? Dans le contexte contemporain de liberté sexuelle, de mariage pour tous et de couples égalitaires à durée limitée, ce livre offre une réflexion iconoclaste sur l'éthique du plaisir.
Mariage et prostitution
Patrick Pharo
This is the extraordinary development of contemporary humanitarian and an important page of French social history that Axelle Brodiez-Dolino allows us to (re) read through two inseparable stories, those of Emmaus and the Abbé Pierre Pierre.
Axelle Brodiez-Dolino
Selwyn Image
Alexandra Harwood
Peace, trade, nuclear, environment, Europe... Multilateralism requires players to constantly negotiate. A very useful synthesis on the specifics of the multilateral negotiations for professionals, teachers and students.
Franck Petiteville, Delphine Placidi-Frot
Bertrand Badie
Services represent almost 80% of the GDP of the OECD countries, but only 20% of their international trade. This innovating book, based on multiple case studies, lists the constraints of globalizing services, whether social, economic or cultural in nature.
Mondialisation, normalisation et régulation de l'économie des services
Jean-Christophe Graz, Nafi Niang
This book recalls the history of the internationalisation of central banks from the fundamental ruptures of World War I to today's Euro crisis. The analyses converge to acknowledge the political nature of this global phenomenon.
L'internationalisation des banques centrales des débuts du xxe siècle à nos jours
Olivier Feiertag, Michel Margairaz
A sociological, historical and European approach to the phenomenon of partisanship applied to the Right in France and to the UMP (Union pour un mouvement populaire) since 2002, that will help understanding the actual leadership conflict at the top of UMP.
Transformations de l'UMP
Florence Haegel
Sociology analysis what contemporary armies owe to the political, institutional and social context in which they develop. It recalls what the understanding of military matters brings to the understanding of our societies and phenomenas of power.
Jean Joana
Over the last ten years, Latin American Left seems to succeed in everything it undertakes. An original assessment of the political, social and economic transformations of Latin America, which may lead to growth and equitable development.
Olivier Dabène
Following extensive research in the Portuguese, Spanish, and French archives and a series of interviews with political and institutional actors from the period, this author offers an original history of migrants and Portuguese migration policies.
L'État portugais et ses migrants en France (1957-1974)
Victor Pereira
A geopolitical analysis of an unstable region considered from the largely overlooked, though determining in terms of power and security, point of view of agricultural and water policy.
Pierre Blanc
This book recalls the history of industrial and innovation policies implemented by China since 1949, especially in the domain of nanotechnologies, which Beijing intends to make the launching pad of its future competitivity.
Des politiques industrielles aux entreprises innovantes
Romain Bironneau
Rigas Arvanitis, François Bafoil
A unique comparative history of South East Asian and Central European economies, before and after 1989, through the prism of different models of political domination.
Économies politiques comparées, Europe de l'Est et Asie du Sud-Est
François Bafoil