Des prises de position d'auteurs confirmés, des essais d’intervention porteurs d’une thèse forte pour un large lectorat.
Jean-Marc Offner déconstruit un par un ces dogmes, hérités des Trente Glorieuses, qui continuent de gouverner villes et territoires, qui ignorent les réalités d'un XXIe siècle urbain, mobile, connecté, et sont inadaptés aux exigences environnementales.
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Jean-Marc Offner
Fine connaisseuse des systèmes universitaires français et étrangers, Christine Musselin s'appuie sur les résultats de ses recherches menées depuis les années 1980 pour porter un diagnostic sur l’état actuel de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche en France.
Christine Musselin
The notions of merit and equal opportunity constitute not only the precepts of a society where strong inequalities persist, but that they are, in certain ways, contrary to justice.
Marie Duru-Bellat
Taking stock of the current impossibility to radically change our lifestyles and organization, this book nevertheless calls on us to follow several realistic paths to adaptation and reform, in the interests of preparing a less somber future.
Les sociétés face au changement climatique
Edwin Zaccai
Are we really on the eve of the collapse of democracy? In view of the economic and political changes underway in countries like Italy, the United States, the United Kingdom, and France, the author argues that democracies will reinvent themselves.
Frustrations populaires et vagues populistes
Yves Mény
There is a Catholic doctrine on capitalism, but it must be read between the lines of the pontifical texts. It could be summarized as follows: it is possible to operate within capitalist structures, but only to the extent that one does not adopt the behavior that capitalism presupposes. This is a position that requires a certain juggling act.
Jacques-Benoît Rauscher
A whole series of cognitive biases prevent us from making rational decisions: conformity, aversion to loss, excessive self-esteem, preference for the short-term, etc. This book is a critical analysis of behavioral knowledge and its applications, in order to understand its success and explore its limitations.
Henri Bergeron, Patrick Castel
We all understand that infinite growth in a finite world is impossible, yet we act as if that were not true.To preserve our mental health we refuse to consider embarrassing truths, hoping that all will turn out well, but not really knowing how...
Sortir de l'impasse
Gilbert Rist
Although the notion of gender was promoted by sociologists to shed light on relations of domination, invoking it at every opportunity – from the feminisation of language to political parity – establishes the idea that men and women are still, above all, and in every way prototypes of their sex group rather than unique individuals.
To understand the reasons for the failure of memory policies and shed light on the public debate, this book return to the sources of these memory policies and, without political bias or taking sides, ask – where do these policies come from? What do they really do? How can we make them work effectively?
Sarah Gensburger, Sandrine Lefranc
The remodelling of the university landscape is underway. New structures have thus been forcibly created, without it being possible to ascertain whether these major changes will reach their objectives and ensure a radiant future for French higher education.
In the face of the awakening of fundamentalisms and violent extremisms, Jean Picq invites us to re-read our history, to identify the key points that have allowed us to define new relations between the spiritual and the temporal and to see the triumph of reason dedicated to civil peace.
Relire l'histoire, éclairer le présent
Jean Picq