Des monographies présentant les résultats de recherches inédites dans les différentes disciplines des sciences humaines et sociales.
This book addresses what is called the "crisis of representation". Parting from the idea that this is a rhetorical issue, it attempts to shed light on the truth of representative systems.
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Structure et fondement d'une crise
Didier Mineur
How do new immigrants integrate themselves into culturally sensitive cities in the United States and the United Kingdom? Despite multicultural tensions, local players have succeeded in transcending their differences. Is this a model France could follow?
Expériences anglaise et américaine
Emmanuelle Le Texier, Olivier Esteves
The term "Righteous of France" makes reference to "Righteous Among the Nations" created by the Hebrew State. The expression has been reclaimed by French public powers. The author confrontes several of questions posed by contemporary debates on memory.
Politiques publiques de la mémoire
Sarah Gensburger
The essays cover four major themes: the political situation on the eve of the 2007 elections, the role of France in relations between Western/Eastern Europe after 1989, the link between politics and culture, and the metamorphoses of the modernizing state.
Onze essais sur la politique et la culture
Philippe Urfalino, Martha Zuber
Gender is a central organizer of contemporary neoliberal globalization. Uniting international specialists on issues rarely confronted, this work renews criticism of the economic, social, political, cultural, ideological consequences of globalization.
Genre, classe, race et nouvelle division du travail
Jules Falquet, Helena Hirata
For three decades, in light of evolutions of the global migratory system and technological transformations, migrants retain closer ties to theirs countries of origin. The focus of this innovative work is to present a panorama of these transformations.
Les États et leurs expatriés
Stéphane Dufoix, Carine Guerassimoff
This work takes an unconventional form. Two stories comprise the plot: one is of a woman from a "hard town", the other from the rural world. Through these tales, the question of the effects of the changes of French society on personal politics is posed.
Identité singulière et mémoire partagée
Florence Haegel, Marie-Claire Lavabre
An analysis of the political behavior of the pieds-noirs (French colonials born in Algeria) from 1871 to 2002, in light of the trauma of the Algerian war and their subsequent return to France.
Quarante ans après le retour
Emmanuelle Comtat
This economic history text describes the profitable relationship between France and Switzerland. If the subject is rather pointed, it offers an incomparable perspective on the battle France waged to recover money hidden in Switzerland.
Évasion fiscale, relations commerciales et financières (1940-1954)
Janick Marina Schaufelbuehl
In this passionate history of the CFDT (Confédération française démocratique du travail), Nicolas Defaud shows how the CFDT has shifted from management-based socialism to apolitical reformism in less than a generation.
De l'autogestion au syndicalisme de proposition
Nicolas Defaud
This book crosses histories and associations of tourism, popular leisure, and of the labor movement in order to shed new light on the hope, born in 1936, of the people's tourism, both social and educational.
De l'éducation populaire au secteur marchand (1945-1985)
Sylvain Pattieu
A provocative and simple analysis of the European integration process. Nicolas Jabko demonstrates that the European Commission deployed a strategy that invoked mulitple dimensions of the logic of the "market" to promote its political objectives.
Histoire d'une stratégie improbable
Nicolas Jabko
An analysis of the American democratic system throughout the course of the 20th century, as illuminated by the Nixon presidency.
Le cas Nixon
Romain Huret
An history of contemporay Cambodia.
Philippe Richer
The aim of this book is to examine the changing nature of the European social model and its capacity to deal with both domestic and external challenges in the early 21st Century.
L'intégration européenne et les transformations de l'espace politique de la protection sociale
Maurizio Ferrera
Bruno Palier
Isabelle Mennesson
This book is not just a simple biography : it is a rare opportunity to discover a usually closed-off universe and a CEO's daily work.
Pierre Lefaucheux (1944-1955)
Cyrille Sardais
This work offers an analysis of the (re)production of power ties via military practices, founded on the logics by which gender, class, and race inequalities permeate militancy.
Olivier Fillieule, Patricia Roux
In following the behavior of the same voters over the long term, during and after the election, this electoral panel study afforded the opportunity to trace the course of the vote and in so doing, to better understand the dynamics of an election.
Le Panel électoral français 2007
Bruno Cautrès, Anne Muxel