Des monographies présentant les résultats de recherches inédites dans les différentes disciplines des sciences humaines et sociales.
The history of May '68 was not only written in Paris and it was not only driven by students. In Marseille as well, upon which this book casts a unique glaze, other activists contributed to making the decade that followed the May explosion into a "golden age of struggle", and sometimes acting as a catalyst for events on the national level.
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Olivier Fillieule, Isabelle Sommier
This book sheds new light on the history of businesses in the contemporary era, on the influence of the church's social doctrine and Vatican II for a segment of the Catholic elite. It also explores the Church's dilemmas regarding dechristianisation and the triumph of capitalism.
Une histoire des patrons chrétiens
Marie-Emmanuelle Chessel, Nicolas de Bremond d'Ars
This book presents the many faces of the French responses to queer theory, from the conservative "Manif pour Tous" to LGBT activism, but also research seminars, new medias, translation policies, as well as debates around nationalism and intersectionality.
Bruno Perreau
This book paves the way for discussion on alternative ways of living on earth, as improbable as they may seem, and in so doing, demonstrates that the future is not merely the linear prolongation of the present.
Rémi Beau, Catherine Larrère
Philippe Descola
Christophe Farquet has uncovered numerous previously unexplored archives to understand how and when Switzerland became one of the main offshore centres of the world.
Christophe Farquet
With environmental urgency facing us everywhere, innovative urban projects to reduce pollution and waste are emerging around the world. But how useful are these experiences on a global scale? Is it possible to make a town durable without being detrimental to its surroundings? This book sets out to explore these questions.
Nouveaux modèles de gestion des ressources
Dominique Lorrain, Charlotte Halpern
This book follows the trajectories of female unionists and recounts the everyday difficulties they faced in daring to break into these male strongholds. Their rich and moving narratives reveal a whole sphere of social reality on an often-neglected subject, that of women's voices in unionism.
Défendre les intérêts des femmes au travail
Cécile Guillaume
This book closely observes the evolution, punctuated by periodic experiments and spectacular turnarounds, towards one of most significant institutional reforms in post-war United Kingdom : the bank of England.
Une marche erratique vers l'indépendance 1977-2007
Sylviane de Saint Seine
The politicisation of biodiversity is the subject of this pluri-disciplinary book, which brings together a range of scientific fields & covers previously neglected dimensions of this issue, including economies of scale, the political impact of the scientific categories mobilised by actors & the instrumentalization of international norms by states.
Daniel Compagnon, Estienne Rodary
This book provides an overview of the range and limits of the measures and the law on transparency, anti-corruption and economic modernization, presented by actors directly involved in current movements of regulation.
L'exigence d'éthique dans les mouvements financiers
Michel Hunault
Ideologies are still active but they are divided, compartmentalised, through a mosaic of references, standards and objectives. The multidisciplinary perspective of this volume. Drawing on philosophy, history, art history, political science, sociology, the authors question the political usages of individual and collective belief.
Usages politiques de la croyance
Anne Muxel
How are the "mega-farms" organised? What are their logics and modes of action? In what spaces do they situate themselves? How does a family farm become an agricultural company? What kind of actors are involved? What are their attitudes towards politics? What conflicts do they provoke? The first study of an emerging global phenomenon.
De la ferme à la firme
François Purseigle, Geneviève Nguyen
Twenty years after they were introduced in France, generic drugs remain controversial. For some they are authentic drugs, upon which the survival of our health insurance system depends. For others, they are poor imitations which sacrifice health in the name of economics. The development of these generics has reconfigured the French health system.
Sociologie des génériques en France
Étienne Nouguez
For two years, sociologist Myriam Joël collected the secrets of 80 detainees and 70 professionals and volunteers working in female detention. Her study reveals a surprisingly free way of speaking about a subject that is often considered illegitimate and ignored in social sciences: women's sexuality in prison.
Myriam Joël
Running counter to mythical narratives, this book demonstrates how a small number of parties came to win a new political monopoly in Polland, the country of the powerful Solidarnosc union, and how they established a limited democracy and "partyocracy" on the ruins of authoritarianism.
Pologne 1989-2016
Jérome Heurtaux
Beirut, Cairo, Algiers, Istanbul: have they become ungovernable? Are they too dense, too polluted, too unequal? By delving into the fabric of their networks and institutions, this book shows that the major difficulties of these towns reflect not the lack of government, but rather its specific forms.
Gouverner par les rentes
Dominique Lorrain
By tracing the role the profession of business lawyer has acquired within the confines of the state and the market, the authors of this fascinating investigation explore the contours of this grey area at the edge of political and administrative institutions. What does this ascension cost us today, both politically and democratically ?
Enquête sur un grand brouillage
Pierre France, Antoine Vauchez
This book questions the mechanisms that lead to this blackout and analyses the way in which workplace health policies are developed in France. It shows how the instruments and procedures for managing professional risks are now conceived by and for experts, which makes it very difficult for workers' representativeand citizens to appropriate them.
Les politiques de santé au travail
Emmanuel Henry