Des monographies présentant les résultats de recherches inédites dans les différentes disciplines des sciences humaines et sociales.
To try and understand the reasons for this powerlessness, Véronique le Goaziou went onto the front line, into the squats and slums of the Bouches-du-Rhône, and around Saint-Charles station in Marseille. For two years she accompanied social workers in their efforts to help the homeless and destitute.
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Les travailleurs sociaux et la grande précarité
Véronique Le Goaziou
Lola Zappi traces the source of this profession back to the inter-war period : social worker.
Assistantes sociales et familles populaires durant l'entre-deux-guerres
Lola Zappi
Drawing on both well-known and less well-known examples (Parcoursup, organ donation, attribution of social housing), sociologists, economists and political scientists investigate this new way of organising our individual trajectories, in order to shed light on its very important political and social implications.
Une sociologie de l'appariement
Melchior Simioni, Philippe Steiner
The voice of the IPCC can be heard everywhere today – and it is increasingly insistent. No one can ignore that levels of greenhouse gases are rising, that the impacts of climate change are being felt on all continents, and that solutions to these challenges exist.
Kari De Pryck
François Gemenne
In today's world, every activity, every task is entrusted to a new organisation, which has its own codes, hierarchies, and procedures. Yet far from making the world more fluid, horizontal, and flexible, this organisational proliferation makes it ever more complex. The sociologists, political scientists, and historians brought together in this book.
Olivier Borraz
Between 1954 and 1962, in the middle of the war for independence, the French army and administration set out to "regroup" more than two million Algerians into 2,000 camps.
Une histoire des déplacements forcés (1954-1962)
Fabien Sacriste
Drawing on original research, sociologists, political scientists, and demographers pinpoint the inequalities between young people and other generations, and between young people themselves, which have increased constantly since the economic crisis of 2008.
D'une crise à l'autre
Yaëlle Amsellem-Mainguy, Laurent Lardeux
Specialising in questions of defence and climate, the authors of this book – the first dedicated to this immense issue – sketch a panorama of the strategic and operational risks associated with climate change. They anticipate what this "hot war" might look like, analysing the challenges armed forces will face, and how they can address them.
Enjeux stratégiques du changement climatique
Nicolas Regaud, Bastien Alex
Drawing on the French example, Mathieu Bidaux returns to the historic sources of fabrication and distribution of paper money to explain the trust it continues to inspire today. From as early as 1800, the Banque de France carefully protected the manufacture of bank notes in order to provide its clients with a stable payment system.
Construire la confiance monétaire 1800-1914
Mathieu Bidaux
Gilles Vaysset
In a democracy it is essential that nuclear choices are based on the open discussion of coherent alternatives. This book intends to provide citizens, elected representatives, military personnel, and teachers with the means to make up their own minds on a subject that is essential, yet which is seen as inaccessible.
La séduction de l'impossible
Benoît Pelopidas
This long-term study, which combines accounts from coaches, human resources directors, and managers, explores this "new spirit" of capitalism which has a tendency to make the individual – and even the person – into a project. And which therefore runs the risk of offloading companies' organisational responsibilities.
Le coaching en entreprise
Scarlett Salman
For three decades, which were more post-war upheaval than they were boom, the new French state, the cutting edge of modernisation, worked its way into all areas of social and economic life. Far from diminishing, tensions between transformations imposed top-down by the technocratic elite and citizens' demands for democracy were institutionalised.
A la recherche de la République moderne
Herrick Chapman
The movement toward "financializing" finance is described here through the case study of the insurance sector, explained by new rules implemented by the European Union.
Enquête sur solvabilité II
Pierre François
Better known by the acronym COMECON, the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA) was founded in 1949 by the USSR and its allies in popular democracies, as an instrument for dialogue between Eastern bloc countries, and as a showcase for socialism in competition with the West and specifically the European Community.
Le CAEM et la construction du bloc socialiste (1949-1991)
Simon Godard
Based on interviews with the primary protagonists and the exclusive consultation of government archives, the book presents several political and bureaucratic spaces in which the debates on the subject took place and where the opposing arguments – always intricately connected to struggles for power – were laid out.
Enquête sur l'interdiction française du gaz de schiste
Sébastien Chailleux, Philippe Zittoun
Food security cannot be only considered in light of quantity and of development, it must also take into account health, social, climate, and environmental aspects.
Gouverner la sécurité alimentaire
Antoine Bernard de Raymond, Delphine Thivet
This exploration into the heart of EELV, and their Young Environmentalists, analyses the foundations of the involvement and the semi-professionalisation of political activists for whom values and practices are inseparable. Through these members, the book tells the story of a party that has set out to do politics differently.
Vanessa Jérome
This book brings together contributions by twenty international specialists on this "deliberative shift" in democracy. They analyse various aspects of the concept, including its limits, retrace the many fieldwork studies it has led to, and discuss the contemporary debates on the deliberative ideal and the various forms of participative democracy.
de la démocratie
Loïc Blondiaux, Bernard Manin