Des monographies présentant les résultats de recherches inédites dans les différentes disciplines des sciences humaines et sociales.
This book questions the mechanisms that lead to this blackout and analyses the way in which workplace health policies are developed in France. It shows how the instruments and procedures for managing professional risks are now conceived by and for experts, which makes it very difficult for workers' representativeand citizens to appropriate them.
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Les politiques de santé au travail
Emmanuel Henry
It is the shift in perception and the transformation of a feminist struggle into a political issue that this book explores. It shows how, from the 1970s, feminists identified sexual and domestic violence, proposed specific ways of dealing with it and developed an explanatory framework linking it to structural relations between men and women.
Du combat féministe à la cause publique
Pauline Delage
In this book, a team of researchers from CEVIPOF suggests that what is "common" is no longer based on what is public, but on what is private. That politics is now evolving in communitarian spaces of all kinds, family, religious denominations, political parties, oligarchies...
Pascal Perrineau, Luc Rouban
In homage to the pluralist political sociology practiced and defended by this French pioneer of experimental survey research, this volume provides an up-to-date overview of current research and major controversies in this field of political science today, thus also serving as an introduction to the analysis of political behaviour.
Je vote, tu contestes, elle cherche...
Olivier Fillieule, Florence Haegel
Dans la vie sociale des objets, la phase « déchet » ne devrait plus être que transitoire. Alors que nous continuons de produire de plus en plus de biens tout en prétendant limiter les déchets, nos objets-restes doivent redevenir des richesses.
Le réemploi dans les sociétés d'accumulation
Nathalie Benelli, Delphine Corteel
Drawing on hitherto overlooked sources, Christophe Defeuilley presents three urban histories, in London, New York, and Paris. He describes the major events that punctuated the creation of public water utilities. An in-depth look into the history, both great and small, of the world's three largest cities in 1900.
La création du service public de l'eau
Christophe Defeuilley
Policies aimed at achieving parity, affirmative action measures, establishing time offices to harmonize working hours, reversing the burden of proof in cases of discrimination, ensuring equal access to public spaces... the French Republic is undeniably undergoing tremendous change.
Genre, territoires, citoyenneté
Bruno Perreau, Joan W. Scott
Following the oil shock of 1973, a massive wave of inflation spread throughout Europe. This volume explores these upheavals through a broad historical lens, by examining countries in Western, Northern and Eastern Europe, as well as trade unions, businesses and international organizations, particularly the European Community and GATT.
L'inflation en Europe dans les années 1970
Michel-Pierre Chélini, Laurent Warlouzet
Revisiting the high points of cultural policy under François Mitterrand, examining the policies that instated the 'right to cultural difference' and their culmination during the 1993 Gatt negotiations, Vincent Martigny captures the spirit of a decade that remains crucial to understand contemporary disputes over the question of identity.
Culture(s) et identités nationales (1981-1995)
Vincent Martigny
This initial assessment of the environmental situation in China thus analyses both the causes of this crisis and the environmental policies subsequently implemented in order to understand a precarious situation that will affect the future of the Earth.
Évolutions et limites des politiques publiques
Jean-François Huchet
Focusing on Congress and questions of health protection, Anne Laure Beaussier shows how the changes in federal power since the 1970s and the ideological polarization between democrats and republicans have affected the social policies of this country.
Une histoire politique
Anne-Laure Beaussier
Crossing records of unpublished archives, interviews, ethnographic observation, articles and statistics, this book provides, beyond the folklore of Marseille a vision both precise and distanced of the ways to govern a city.
Gouvernement et hégémonie politique à Marseille
Cesare Mattina
The entire standard theory of central banking is constructed on the model of independence to the state. Yet the history of central banks comes back to the state, or rather to the nation-state. In order to understand the reasons for this paradox, this book analyses the evolution of the relationship between fifteen central banks and the state.
Olivier Feiertag, Michel Margairaz
This survey on the rise of plantation companies since the 1970s, shows the conditions for the emergence and development of agrarian capitalism with a strong environmental and economic impact both in Asia and over the World.
Économie politique de la grande plantation en Indonésie et en Malaisie
Stéphanie Barral
As globalisation has spread, health has become a topic of foreign policy and global governance that powers use to gain influence, prestige, in power. This book highlights the political and strategic issues of "global health" then examine the diplomatic game it generates.
Dominique Kerouedan, Joseph Brunet-Jailly
Que sait-on de la justice chinoise contemporaine, ses caractéristiques ou sa marge d'indépendance ? Ce travail inédit révèle les contradictions majeures d'un appareil judiciaire qui se réforme de façon chaotique en plaquant les principes internationaux de bonne gouvernance sur des rites ancrés dans une double tradition impériale et maoïste.
Entre faits et droit
Stéphanie Balme
"Eat smart, be smart", "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle", "Same medicine, same results", "Smoking kills"… A critical attempt at deciphering an increasingly widespread form of governance, where individual behaviour becomes a space for public intervention.
Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier
Jean-Christophe Gaven presents a large and remarkably thorough dossier on the beginnings of the Revolution, when royal sovereignty and national sovereignty were in competition. The author works meticulously to decipher the birth of this new form of criminal and political justice, entirely devoted to protecting the Revolution and its ambitions.
Histoire d'une invention juridique et politique
Jean-Christophe Gaven