De brefs essais au format de poche sur la vie politique française contemporaine, de courtes introductions aux outils de la démocratie, des sujets de débat ou de polémique, etc.
Se dire d'un bord ou de l’autre a-t-il encore un sens aujourd’hui ? N’a-t-on pas élu en 2017 un président qui s’affirme « et de droite et de gauche » ? La politiste Janine Mossuz-Lavau, qui sonde les Français depuis les années 1970, constate au contraire la persistance du clivage droite-gauche.
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Toute une histoire
Janine Mossuz-Lavau
The referendum is a political tool that provokes deep distrust among elites. Yet if it is well designed, a referendum can accompany certain major political decisions, help to create a relationship of trust between citizens and institutions, and may also play a central role in the experimental forms of particularity at the local levels.
Laurence Morel
In a context where policy and campaign platforms have become like any other product for consumption, and in which an increasingly large part of the population feels deprived of autonomy and forced to suffer to the negative effects of globalization, class warfare has changed. Notions of representativity and universality are no longer relevant here.
Luc Rouban
In order to try and retrace the DNA of Macronism after a year of scandals, Luc Rouban draws on large-scale surveys of French public opinion, as well as on the entourage of the President and the new Assembly.
This book is a genuine guide to the usage of random ballots, and shows with precision the possibilities and constraints, effects and usages, qualities and limits of this technique, as well as the specificities of the domains and levels in which it can be used.
Comment l'utiliser
Gil Delannoi
The negative side effects of closing the borders are manifold. To the victims, and those who have no papers and no rights, we must also add those in refugee camps, the mafia smuggling economy, the economic and demographic deficits linked to lack of mobility, without mentioning the exorbitant costs of closure and expulsion policies.
Catherine Wihtol de Wenden
Could playing games be the best way to make the most of the resources of the digital transformations currently underway ? Long relegated to the area of pastimes and entertainment, play provides an essential contribution to the well-being and development of individuals as well as the balance of society.
Pour une approche ludique des mutations numériques
Jean-Alain Jutteau
Can degrowth become a realistic alternative political model ? Governing growth rather than submitting to it : a new political history can be written, one in which the perspectives available are not only those of crisis but also those of creativity.
¨Politiques de l'anthropocène III
Agnès Sinaï, Mathilde Szuba
Does France care more about fraternity than equality? Réjane Sénac analyses how the boundaries between brothers and non-brothers — whether the latter are women, non-binary, or non-white — have been repeatedly redrawn instead of disappearing altogether.
Réjane Sénac
Using the tools of political science, Emiliano Grossman and Nicolas Sauger have drawn up a diagnosis of this French malady, identifying its causes and offering a number of roads to recovery.
Emiliano Grossman, Nicolas Sauger
Billions of digital consumers, millions of accessible works — and only a dozen global companies to connect the two. Are we heading towards an unprecedented cultural renaissance or, on the contrary, towards the homogenisation of taste preferences, controlled by a handful of hegemonic actors?
La diversité culturelle à l'ère de l'hyperchoix
Emmanuel Durand
Who can still claim to be a "newspaper", “radio” or “TV” journalist today without taking into account digital technology? The shift of journalistic expertise towards the digital environment which began fifteen years ago has revolutionized information and media professions. And it is far from over.
2e édition entièrement remaniée
Alice Antheaume
The post-Cold War was a one-dimension world, synonymous with US material preeminence and the normative hegemony of liberalism on global governance. Can the ascent Chinese, Russian revisionism or revivalism Islamist challenge this order?
Dario Battistella
This book traces the contours of a biophysical economy , embedded in the cycles of nature , slow , local , and sober. On the horizon of this new paradigm, the degrowth is no longer a constraint but an ethical and physical necessity .
Politiques de l'Anthropocène II
Agnès Sinaï
Designing a new architecture for social protection, the book shows that it is urgent and possible to rebuild the system. A plea for the design of a new generation of social rights, by three specialists in family policies, employment, social protection!
Pour une nouvelle génération de droits sociaux
Bernard Gazier, Bruno Palier
The desertion of politics, whose legitimacy is based on dialogue, compromise and the reference to the law, leaves the way open to a wave of multiform violence in this region. This work attempts to decipher the mechanisms behind this violence.
Pierre Blanc, Jean-Paul Chagnollaud
Will cultural industries disappear because of the digital revolution? Can they survive the major disruptions caused by new technologies? In this little survival guide, the professionals of the cultural industries will find some keys to face this major challenge.
Les industries culturelles face au numérique
Work-related suffering, occupational cancers, musculoskeletal disorders... In France, occupational risk prevention is taking a turn for the worse. This work sheds light on the failings of a system that exposes millions of workers to serious but preventable risks, and offers possibilities for improving the independence of occupational physicians.
L'indépendance médicale en question
Pascal Marichalar