This book brings a strictly scientific perspective to the measurement of crimes arguing for three major changes: an analyse over the long term, an evaluation method no longer monopolized by the most powerful and an urgente evaluation of financial crime. Read More
Unfounded or contradictory assertions about the evolution and seriousness of crime pollute a controversy fed by cherry-picked statistics and the State's monopoly on resources and punishment.
This work brings a scientific perspective to the evaluation of crime. Taking into account the history of survey methods and their contemporary updates, the authors reveal the most significant evolutions in crime: increasing theft echoing the rise of consumerism since the 1960s, higher rates of violent robbery and violent street crime starting in the 1980s (an era of social splintering), and the focus, since the 2000s, on repression efforts concentrated more on the defense of public order (illegal substance trafficking, illegal immigration) than on the security of the citizen.
The book argues for three major changes: a survey of crime analyzed over the long term; an evaluation method no longer monopolized by the most powerful and which combines diverse types of data; and an urgent re-launch of the evaluation of financial and white-collar crime.
An indispensable diagnostic for comprehending the present status of crime.
Chapitre 1. Du monopole à la diversité
Un monopole traditionnel des statistiques pénales
La découverte de la diversité des mesures
Chapitre 2. Confronter des mesures partielles
Pourquoi confronter plusieurs mesures ?
Comment confronter plusieurs mesures ?
Chapitre 3. Mettre en oeuvre la confrontation
La mesure de la criminalité sans victime directe
La mesure de la délinquance à victime directe
Chapitre 4. Les arrière-plans de la confrontation
Changements d'échelle
Entre victime et police, le renvoi
Chapitre 5. De la mesure au diagnostic
Consommation de masse et vol de masse
Fractures sociales, vols de force et violence expressive
Ordre étatique et sécurité des citoyens
Difficultés à vivre ensemble, insécurité et sentiment d'injustice
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