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This book invites the reader to rediscover the knowledge and the practices that shape our experience of the vote...
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Yves Déloye, Olivier Ihl
Administration et politique : deux figures dessinent les relations possibles de ce couple. Soit il vit séparé, et il semble, à première vue, respecter la norme. Soit il vit associé, soit sa liaison soulève aussitôt la polémique...
Francis de Baecque, Jean-Louis Quermonne
2. Administrations locales
Bernard Gournay
This book addresses what is called the "crisis of representation". Parting from the idea that this is a rhetorical issue, it attempts to shed light on the truth of representative systems.
Structure et fondement d'une crise
Didier Mineur
A unique and timely perspective on interactions between capital and industry, especially given the current on-going changes in industry.
France, Grande-Bretagne, Allemagne, 1880-1930
Philippe Marguerat
In following the behavior of the same voters over the long term, during and after the election, this electoral panel study afforded the opportunity to trace the course of the vote and in so doing, to better understand the dynamics of an election.
Le Panel électoral français 2007
Bruno Cautrès, Anne Muxel
This book recounts how and by whom authority was exercised in a rural commune from 1789 to the present, and the way a village - Rioz, in eastern France - governed itself in the course of local, regional, and national events.
La pratique du pouvoir à Rioz en Franche-Comté depuis la Révolution
Jean-Marcel Jeanneney
Emotions are at the heart of mass mobilization : The objective here is to analyze these "phenomena" which allow militants to sensitize the public to their cause.
Christophe Traïni
Des Français pas vraiment différents des Européens : la spécificité française, ne serait-elle qu'un mythe ? C’est ce que démontre ce livre en s’appuyant sur les données empiriques inédites de l’enquête European Social Survey !
Daniel Boy, Bruno Cautrès
A sharp essay retracing the evolutions of France's European policy starting in the early 1980’s, while offering paths for France to take in recovering a place in Europe, and for Europe in recovering a place in France...
Assumer le changement d'échelle
Christian Lequesne
The author recounts, reconstructs, and explains the events that brought France to early August 1914...
Jean-Baptiste Duroselle
Ten years after, this book analyses the acceptation of the PACS by the French society. It brings new elements for a political and social debate on contemporary changes in private life.
Pratiques et symboliques d'une nouvelle forme d'union
Wilfried Rault
Pour comprendre le nationalisme et sa différence avec les patriotismes traditionnels, il faut suivre l'itinéraire de Maurice Barrès (1862-1923), élu député boulangiste à Nancy en 1889. Les sources de son nationalisme expliquent sa nature particulière.
Zeev Sternhell
This work retraces the exceptional path of this prominent figure of postwar France...
Un grand commis de l'Etat
Sébastien-Yves Laurent, Jean-Eudes Rouiller
The process of decentralisation is progressing all over Europe. France is no exception. The author analyses the rise of the regions and offers a new perspective on contemporay France, where local actors play an increasing role in public legislation.
Mobilisations, décentralisation et gouvernance en France
Romain Pasquier
Renaud Dulong
This book demonstrates that French militants for the League of Nations were fighting for a new concept of international relations, looking to limit, if not abolish, violence between sovereign states through juridic rule.
Les militants français pour la SDN
Jean-Michel Guieu
BAsed on political sociology and military sociology, this fine research work, provides a comprehensive understanding of the evolution of the French forces.
Sociologie de la décision
Bastien Irondelle