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From Michael Moore to Sean Penn and Susan Sarandon, numerous Hollywood stars protest again the war in Iraq. This book deciphers the logic behind the engagement of artists, perfomers and celebrities, drawing new ties between art and politics.
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Les artistes américains contre la guerre en Irak
Violaine Roussel
More than just an atlas, this work is a true tollbox. Acessible and instructional, the atlas describes the dynamic paradoxical changes essential for a full comprehension of globalization processes, with a special report on Russia.
Comprendre l'espace mondial contemporain - Dossier spécial Russie
Marie-Françoise Durand, Philippe Copinschi
Do international institutions really contribute to building a lasting peace? If it is impossible to fight against the recommendations of international institutions, it will become difficult to reject them as a means of making peace.
La part des institutions internationales
Guillaume Devin
Ce livre est le premier travail universitaire sur cette entité née des Accords d'Oslo : L'Autorité palestinienne.
Laetitia Bucaille
Pouligny's analysis of several UN interventions, based on first hand observation of how local people intermingle with UN soldiery and civilians, sheds light on a neglected but crucial dimension of international peace enforcement.
Opérations de l'ONU et populations locales
Béatrice Pouligny
Peace, trade, nuclear, environment, Europe... Multilateralism requires players to constantly negotiate. A very useful synthesis on the specifics of the multilateral negotiations for professionals, teachers and students.
Franck Petiteville, Delphine Placidi-Frot
Bertrand Badie
The desertion of politics, whose legitimacy is based on dialogue, compromise and the reference to the law, leaves the way open to a wave of multiform violence in this region. This work attempts to decipher the mechanisms behind this violence.
Pierre Blanc, Jean-Paul Chagnollaud