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This Manifesto for environmental geography illustrates a collective desire to go beyond individual practices in order to examine the epistemological and political role of geography when challenged by environmental crises.
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Géographie, écologie, politique
Denis Chartier, Estienne Rodary
A global overview of environmental issues raised by the new policies of the Earth by the best scholars in the field — philosophers, economists, sociologists, historians, engineers, political scientists and international relations experts.
François Gemenne
This book traces the contours of a biophysical economy , embedded in the cycles of nature , slow , local , and sober. On the horizon of this new paradigm, the degrowth is no longer a constraint but an ethical and physical necessity .
Politiques de l'Anthropocène II
Agnès Sinaï
"International Environment Policy" brings together in one volume all aspects of global environmental governance policy offering pedagogical texts accompanied by numerous tables, charts, diagrammes, timelines, graphs, indices and links to specialised resources, in order to facilitate understanding.
Jean-Frédéric Morin, Amandine Orsini
Serving as a reference point on climate change and related strategical questions, this work examines the relationship between science and politics; the evolving geopolitics of climate; energy transition in Europe, the United States and major emerging countries; and the multiple links between climate change and globalisation.
20 ans de négociations internationales
Stefan Aykut, Amy Dahan
L'objet de ce numéro est d'analyser comment la « question écologique » fait son chemin au sein de la société civile et des sphères de pouvoir de l’empire du Milieu, et cela quelques mois après le changement d’équipe dirigeante à Pékin.
Les écologies politiques aujourd'hui (5) Chine
et al.
Les politiques d'aide en faveur des pays "en développement" existent depuis le début des années 1950 et leur champ a considérablement évolué depuis, avec l'apparition de nouveaux acteurs et de nouveaux outils de coopération. Ce numéro étudie les mutations qui accompagnent ces évolutions.
Les transformations de la coopération internationale pour le développement
Essential contribution to the debate on energy transition, the books reveals the political, economic and social mechanisms informing technological choices, consequently allowing us to evaluate France's position in comparison with Germany and Denmark.
Politiques des énergies renouvelables en Europe
Aurélien Evrard
The 21st century will be known as that of a 'decline in energy'. Confronted as we are with a dramatic break in the history of time, it is imperative that we rapidly adopt a model other than productivism.
Politiques de l'Anthropocène
More than just an atlas, this work is a true toolbox. Acessible and instructional, the atlas describes the dynamic paradoxical changes essential for a full comprehension of globalization processes, with a special report on United States.
Comprendre l'espace mondial contemporain - Dossier spécial États-Unis
Marie-Françoise Durand, Thomas Ansart
How to created scientific controversies and who benefits from them? A book for everyone who wants to understand what's behind the climate change denial.
Jean-Michel Decroly, François Gemenne
How to rethink the concept of sovereignty in times of ecological crisis? In reality, the crisis questions the core principles of the city: rather than a policy of men over things of nature, we must develop a cosmopolitan policy of nature.
Philosophie politique en temps de crise écologique
Gérard Mairet
The 2012 edition of Mediterra takes the mobilising potential of the Mediterranean Diet as a basis and proposes a multidimensional itinerary involving sociodemographics, health, ecology, enterprise, geo-economics and citizens' initiative.
La diète méditerranéenne pour un développement régional durable
Confronting the theory of chaos defending that very large cities are ungovernable, the authors attempt to show how these XXL cities work and are at the forefront of globalization.
Dominique Lorrain
More than just an atlas, this work is a true tollbox. Acessible and instructional, the atlas describes the dynamic paradoxical changes essential for a full comprehension of globalization processes, with a special report on Russia.
Comprendre l'espace mondial contemporain - Dossier spécial Russie
Marie-Françoise Durand, Philippe Copinschi
En plein retour de la question agricole, cet important ouvrage collectif analyse le rapport complexe des agriculteurs français à la modernité et à la tradition, au marché, à l'État et à l'Europe, et la façon dont ils s'insèrent dans la mondialisation.
De la fin des paysans au retour de la question agricole
Bertrand Hervieu, Nonna Mayer
Gilbert Rist presents a radical critique of neoclassical economics from a social and historical perspective. This book is necessera because it changes the focus on the ongoing debates about economics.
Gilbert Rist
Cities have crucial importance for sustainability concerns. This new edition of Regards sur la Terre analyses how cities work and identifies contemporary trends, mecanisms and tools that can influence curent strategies and choices.
Villes changer de trajectoire
Pierre Jacquet, Rajendra K. Pachauri