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Succumbing neither to absolute pessimism nor to blindness, this work reviews the likelihood of the consolidation of young democracies and the establishment of numerous, enduring authoritarian systems...
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Guy Hermet
Fruit d'une enquête auprès d'Allemands de l'Est, hommes et femmes ordinaires devenus serviteurs de l'État allemand unifié, ce livre pénètre dans les coulisses de ce processus historique de transition démocratique que fut l'Unification...
Identité et loyauté dans les administrations est-allemandes (1990-1999)
Magali Gravier
How does the political order fall apart? What are crises made of, and how should they be explained? These questions are at the heart of Michel Dobry's book, La sociologie des crises politiques, originally published in 1986 and which has inspired researchers with its groundbreaking approach to revolutionary phenomena and political transitions.
Relire la sociologie de Michel Dobry
Myriam Aït-Aoudia, Antoine Roger