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New design, new maps, new graphics and a special report on Brazil! Acessible and instructional, the Atlas describes the dynamic paradoxical changes essential for a full comprehension of globalization processes. Translated in Chinese, Portugese, Spanish
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Comprendre l'espace mondial contemporain - Dossier spécial Brésil
Marie-Françoise Durand, Philippe Copinschi
An analysis of the European neighborhood policy, its reception by the concerned nations (Ukraine, Georgia, Moldavia, Balkans, Turkey) and the issues Europe must respond frome the Russian border to Euro-mediterranean partnership.
Les politiques de voisinage de l'Union européenne
Jacques Rupnik
The entire standard theory of central banking is constructed on the model of independence to the state. Yet the history of central banks comes back to the state, or rather to the nation-state. In order to understand the reasons for this paradox, this book analyses the evolution of the relationship between fifteen central banks and the state.
Olivier Feiertag, Michel Margairaz
This clear and well-documented study on the emergence of the rule of law in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus offers reflections which can also be applied to other contexts, in particular the events of the Arab Spring.
La voie étroite des pays entre Europe et Russie
Florent Parmentier
Teresa Pullano presents a strong new perspective on European citizenship. Incorporating ideas from many philosophers such as Étienne Balibar and Michel Foucault, she illustrates how a reconceptualization of European citizenship is taking place.
Un espace quasi étatique
Teresa Pullano
Jean-Marie Donegani
Essai de comparaison internationale de la productivité des magasins et du travail commercial
Jean-Marcel Jeanneney
This book fills a gap by analysing the way in which these commissioners are nominated, their role in the implementation of community policies and their political representation in Europe.
Technocrates, diplomates ou politiques?
Andy Smith, Jean Joana
Essential contribution to the debate on energy transition, the books reveals the political, economic and social mechanisms informing technological choices, consequently allowing us to evaluate France's position in comparison with Germany and Denmark.
Politiques des énergies renouvelables en Europe
Aurélien Evrard
À l’exception de la France, le droit commun en Europe est celui de la démarche locale et des autorités régionales. Cet ouvrage propose de manière thématique une série d’exemples venus de l’Allemagne, la Belgique, l’Italie, l’Espagne et le Royaume-Uni...
Bruno Rémond
Quelles sont aujourd'hui les particularités des trajectoires mondiales de la religion ? On observe une compétition tenace entre les mouvements qui forment les politiques mondiales du catholicisme et du protestantisme. Les principes mêmes du réseau...
Trajectoires politiques entre Europe et Amérique
Ariel Colonomos
An approach which responds to the need to « Evaluate Europe ».
Comment l'Europe s'adapte
What education, what cultural baggage do young people need today if they are to become citizens of Europe and of a global society?
Voyages de formation des jeunes en Europe
Vincenzo Cicchelli
The French have always had a complex relationship with Europe. This book provides a global viewpoint of the specific nature of the European question in the French political arena.
Sylvain Brouard, Emiliano Grossman
Des Français pas vraiment différents des Européens : la spécificité française, ne serait-elle qu'un mythe ? C’est ce que démontre ce livre en s’appuyant sur les données empiriques inédites de l’enquête European Social Survey !
Daniel Boy, Bruno Cautrès
A sharp essay retracing the evolutions of France's European policy starting in the early 1980’s, while offering paths for France to take in recovering a place in Europe, and for Europe in recovering a place in France...
Assumer le changement d'échelle
Christian Lequesne
PRIX LOUIS MARIN 2014. Au pouvoir en même temps de 1974 à 1981, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing et Helmut Schmidt ont une volonté commune : faire progresser l'union économique et monétaire en Europe. Riche des témoignages inédits des principaux acteurs, ce livre offre un éclairage sur une période d'une importance considérable pour l'histoire de l’Europe.
La persévérance récompensée
Amaury de Saint Périer
Jacques de Larosière
By involving contemporary paradigms of economic geography, comparing the development strategies employed by the central European States to others, Irish or Asian, this book provides a valuable framework for understanding the new geography of Europe.
Recomposition et européanisation des territoires
Gilles Lepesant
The EU's greatest success of the past twenty years remains the expansion of its democratic model to Eastern Europe. But its neighborhood policy should be reassessed in the light of the Ukrainian crisis, the Arab revolutions, etc. By the most prominent experts, this book invites readers to reconsider the relationship between the EU and its borders.
L'Europe et ses voisinages