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More than an atlas, this book is a veritable tool box. Special focus on China : Comprised of maps, graphics and never before seen texts, this special report on China helps decode the issues of current upheavals.
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Comprendre l'espace mondial contemporain - Dossier spécial Chine
Marie-Françoise Durand, Philippe Copinschi
Bertrand Badie
New design, new maps, new graphics and a special report on Brazil! Acessible and instructional, the Atlas describes the dynamic paradoxical changes essential for a full comprehension of globalization processes. Translated in Chinese, Portugese, Spanish
Comprendre l'espace mondial contemporain - Dossier spécial Brésil
More than just an atlas, this work is a true tollbox. Acessible and instructional, the atlas describes the dynamic paradoxical changes essential for a full comprehension of globalization processes, with a special report on Russia.
Comprendre l'espace mondial contemporain - Dossier spécial Russie
More than just an atlas, this work is a true toolbox. Acessible and instructional, the atlas describes the dynamic paradoxical changes essential for a full comprehension of globalization processes, with a special report on United States.
Comprendre l'espace mondial contemporain - Dossier spécial États-Unis
Marie-Françoise Durand, Thomas Ansart
Atlas Mediterra, the new edition of CIHEAM's report, illustrates the diversity and complexity of the Mediterrean world and reveals the geo-economic, social, regional and political trends under way in the region.
Agriculture, alimentation, pêche et mondes ruraux en Méditerranée
Mediterranean Agriculture, Food, Fisheries & Rural World
Une plongée au coeur des dilemmes qu'affrontent aujourd’hui la société et le pouvoir chinois.
Les dilemmes de l'État-parti
Benoit Vermander
Essential contribution to the debate on energy transition, the books reveals the political, economic and social mechanisms informing technological choices, consequently allowing us to evaluate France's position in comparison with Germany and Denmark.
Politiques des énergies renouvelables en Europe
Aurélien Evrard
How to created scientific controversies and who benefits from them? A book for everyone who wants to understand what's behind the climate change denial.
Jean-Michel Decroly, François Gemenne
Applying a critical perspective, this work analyzes the notions of social and cultural capital and their practical applications to the subject of development...
Guy Hermet
The author shows that, sadly, there is no clear correlation between political choices and economic development.
Gilbert Etienne
L'objet de ce numéro est d'analyser comment la « question écologique » fait son chemin au sein de la société civile et des sphères de pouvoir de l’empire du Milieu, et cela quelques mois après le changement d’équipe dirigeante à Pékin.
Les écologies politiques aujourd'hui (5) Chine
et al.
This book traces the contours of a biophysical economy , embedded in the cycles of nature , slow , local , and sober. On the horizon of this new paradigm, the degrowth is no longer a constraint but an ethical and physical necessity .
Politiques de l'Anthropocène II
Agnès Sinaï
Gilbert Rist presents a radical critique of neoclassical economics from a social and historical perspective. This book is necessera because it changes the focus on the ongoing debates about economics.
Gilbert Rist
A global overview of environmental issues raised by the new policies of the Earth by the best scholars in the field — philosophers, economists, sociologists, historians, engineers, political scientists and international relations experts.
François Gemenne
Rising oil prices, resource crises, global warming, sovereign wealth, outsourcing…Emerging nations are united in these issues and are drawing global development along. Who are they, really? What impact do they really have?
Christophe Jaffrelot
Serving as a reference point on climate change and related strategical questions, this work examines the relationship between science and politics; the evolving geopolitics of climate; energy transition in Europe, the United States and major emerging countries; and the multiple links between climate change and globalisation.
20 ans de négociations internationales
Stefan Aykut, Amy Dahan
Global Issues: A New Geopolitical Series on Globalization with a focus on a specific global challenge : Migrations
Les migrations
Christophe Jaffrelot, Christian Lequesne