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The term "Righteous of France" makes reference to "Righteous Among the Nations" created by the Hebrew State. The expression has been reclaimed by French public powers. The author confrontes several of questions posed by contemporary debates on memory.
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Politiques publiques de la mémoire
Sarah Gensburger
Confronting the theory of chaos defending that very large cities are ungovernable, the authors attempt to show how these XXL cities work and are at the forefront of globalization.
Dominique Lorrain
The post-Cold War was a one-dimension world, synonymous with US material preeminence and the normative hegemony of liberalism on global governance. Can the ascent Chinese, Russian revisionism or revivalism Islamist challenge this order?
Dario Battistella
How to rethink the concept of sovereignty in times of ecological crisis? In reality, the crisis questions the core principles of the city: rather than a policy of men over things of nature, we must develop a cosmopolitan policy of nature.
Philosophie politique en temps de crise écologique
Gérard Mairet
Peace, trade, nuclear, environment, Europe... Multilateralism requires players to constantly negotiate. A very useful synthesis on the specifics of the multilateral negotiations for professionals, teachers and students.
Franck Petiteville, Delphine Placidi-Frot
Bertrand Badie
The author analyses the failure of international politics to deal with the consequences of September 11 and the war in Iraq.
Pour une gouvernance social-démocrate
Rachel Bouyssou
David Held
Georges Lavau
"International Environment Policy" brings together in one volume all aspects of global environmental governance policy offering pedagogical texts accompanied by numerous tables, charts, diagrammes, timelines, graphs, indices and links to specialised resources, in order to facilitate understanding.
Jean-Frédéric Morin, Amandine Orsini
Today, governance is a favourite reference of our major political leaders. This portmanteau word is tossed around by economic and social powers, not to mention the media, in regard to numerous topics.
Jean-Pierre Gaudin
The process of decentralisation is progressing all over Europe. France is no exception. The author analyses the rise of the regions and offers a new perspective on contemporay France, where local actors play an increasing role in public legislation.
Mobilisations, décentralisation et gouvernance en France
Romain Pasquier
What is Europe up to? In what areas is it taking action? Is it meeting the expectations of its citizens? This work helps to better understand the policies of European institutions, their issues and priorities.
Renaud Dehousse, Florence Deloche-Gaudez
An incisive essay on Europe's strenghts and weaknesses, as it seems to be stepping back on the international scene.
Zaki Laïdi
A Planet For Life has chosen the global governance of sustainable development as the theme of its 2009 edition, with the ambition of contributing to current thinking on today's governance system and its desirable evolution in the future.
La gouvernance du développement durable
Pierre Jacquet, Rajendra K. Pachauri
Cities have crucial importance for sustainability concerns. This new edition of Regards sur la Terre analyses how cities work and identifies contemporary trends, mecanisms and tools that can influence curent strategies and choices.
Villes changer de trajectoire
Ce classique des études urbaines montre que les villes européennes (de taille moyenne) sont un phénomène historique de longue durée, et qu'elles demeurent innovantes et dynamiques malgré les processus de globalisation.
2e édition augmentée d'une préface inédite
Patrick Le Galès
Ce numéro aborde trois questions centrales pour le marché de la santé : la mesure de son efficience, les inégalités et la recherche d'équité, et la gouvernance du système de soins...
Le marché de la santé : efficience, équité et gouvernance
et al.
This work proposes an original analysis of the laboratory of New Labour and its effects on the life of the British citizens.
Le bilan des réformes
Florence Faucher, Patrick Le Galès
Far from the impediments of a heroic history of Europe with its crises and re-founding treaties, the author shows why and how law became the principal device through which Europe was able to impose itself as a new power centre.
L'invention d'un programme institutionnel pour l'Europe
Antoine Vauchez