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Les apports des modèles de microsimulation sont souvent réduit à la simulation comptable des effets redistributifs ou budgétaires des politiques auxquelles ils sont appliqués. Or il est possible de les enrichir d'hypothèses de comportement, de mécanismes de bouclage, très complémentaires des travaux d’évaluation économétrique en forme réduite.
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Microsimulation et évaluation des politiques publiques
Didier Blanchet, Cyrille Hagneré
Focusing on Congress and questions of health protection, Anne Laure Beaussier shows how the changes in federal power since the 1970s and the ideological polarization between democrats and republicans have affected the social policies of this country.
Une histoire politique
Anne-Laure Beaussier
This panoramic volume seeks to shed light on this historical turning point in public health and 'emergency medicine', led by Justin Godart — who would later become a member of both the French Resistance and the Righteous Among the Nations — while also deciphering the sometimes questionable uses of healthcare during wartime.
Une politique pionnière en univers incertain
Vincent Viet
This book analyzes the concepts of "flexicurity" and "career security", their different interpretations in France and Europe in order to improve their economic and social efficiency and to help a systemic overhaul of employment policies.
Jacky Fayolle, Florian Guyot