Charles TENENBAUM, maître de conférences de science politique à Sciences Po Lille, chercheur au CERAPS (Université de Lille),
The UN General Assembly is the political heart of multilateralism and the melting pot in which the shared references of our planet are forged. This global political institution deserves to have a comprehensive reference book in the French-language dedicated to it.
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Une institution politique mondiale
Guillaume Devin, Franck Petiteville
Drawing on numerous case studies and the expertise of some twenty researchers, this book provides a summary of the main key resources and methods adopted in international relations research, including using archives and databases, conducting interviews, establishing a corpus, analyzing quantitative data, producing nuanced interpretation of images.
Guillaume Devin
Peace, trade, nuclear, environment, Europe... Multilateralism requires players to constantly negotiate. A very useful synthesis on the specifics of the multilateral negotiations for professionals, teachers and students.
Franck Petiteville, Delphine Placidi-Frot
Bertrand Badie