Marie-Claire Lavabre est directrice de recherche au CNRS, Institut des sciences sociales du politique (ISP – CNRS, Université Paris-Nanterre, ENS Cachan)
This work takes an unconventional form. Two stories comprise the plot: one is of a woman from a "hard town", the other from the rural world. Through these tales, the question of the effects of the changes of French society on personal politics is posed.
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Identité singulière et mémoire partagée
Florence Haegel, Marie-Claire Lavabre
This work introduces the reader to several communist generations in an investigation attempting to break from the principals of a sociology of collective memory...
Sociologie de la mémoire communiste
Marie-Claire Lavabre
In homage to the pluralist political sociology practiced and defended by this French pioneer of experimental survey research, this volume provides an up-to-date overview of current research and major controversies in this field of political science today, thus also serving as an introduction to the analysis of political behaviour.
Je vote, tu contestes, elle cherche...
Olivier Fillieule, Florence Haegel
A major figure of French political science, Jean-Luc Parodi has significantly influenced the discipline, whether intellectually thanks to his pioneering studies, institutionally, or even individually, due to his personality. These texts pay tribute to the intellectual and the man himself.
Mélanges en l'honneur de Jean-Luc Parodi
Yves Déloye, Alexandre Dézé
Jean-Louis Quermonne