Both China and Japan have strong assets to claim for the leadership in Asia. This stimulating essay presents the recent developments in China and in Japan, in terms of economic evolutions but also with respect to their global strategic ambitions.
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Claude Meyer
This work takes an unconventional form. Two stories comprise the plot: one is of a woman from a "hard town", the other from the rural world. Through these tales, the question of the effects of the changes of French society on personal politics is posed.
Identité singulière et mémoire partagée
Florence Haegel, Marie-Claire Lavabre
An analysis of the political behavior of the pieds-noirs (French colonials born in Algeria) from 1871 to 2002, in light of the trauma of the Algerian war and their subsequent return to France.
Quarante ans après le retour
Emmanuelle Comtat
In this passionate history of the CFDT (Confédération française démocratique du travail), Nicolas Defaud shows how the CFDT has shifted from management-based socialism to apolitical reformism in less than a generation.
De l'autogestion au syndicalisme de proposition
Nicolas Defaud
This work offers a complete view of the institutional system, the actors, the political game and modes of action of the European Union. It aims to offer the fundamental elements for comprehending current challenges Europe must face.
Renaud Dehousse
A provocative and simple analysis of the European integration process. Nicolas Jabko demonstrates that the European Commission deployed a strategy that invoked mulitple dimensions of the logic of the "market" to promote its political objectives.
Histoire d'une stratégie improbable
Nicolas Jabko
A historical analyse of this mode of protest from its birth at the beginning of the twentieth century with British suffragettes and Irish nationalists to its later use on every continent.
Johanna Siméant
The aim of this book is to examine the changing nature of the European social model and its capacity to deal with both domestic and external challenges in the early 21st Century.
L'intégration européenne et les transformations de l'espace politique de la protection sociale
Maurizio Ferrera
Bruno Palier
Isabelle Mennesson
What is Europe up to? In what areas is it taking action? Is it meeting the expectations of its citizens? This work helps to better understand the policies of European institutions, their issues and priorities.
Renaud Dehousse, Florence Deloche-Gaudez
In following the behavior of the same voters over the long term, during and after the election, this electoral panel study afforded the opportunity to trace the course of the vote and in so doing, to better understand the dynamics of an election.
Le Panel électoral français 2007
Bruno Cautrès, Anne Muxel
This book recounts how and by whom authority was exercised in a rural commune from 1789 to the present, and the way a village - Rioz, in eastern France - governed itself in the course of local, regional, and national events.
La pratique du pouvoir à Rioz en Franche-Comté depuis la Révolution
Jean-Marcel Jeanneney
Gilles Pinson retraces the origins of large-scale urban projects of Marseille, Nantes, Venice, Turin, Manchester and analyses their impact on urbanism and urban governance.
Urbanisme et gouvernance des villes européennes
Gilles Pinson
A sharp essay retracing the evolutions of France's European policy starting in the early 1980’s, while offering paths for France to take in recovering a place in Europe, and for Europe in recovering a place in France...
Assumer le changement d'échelle
Christian Lequesne
Echoing the method of Fernand Braudel, Jean-Louis Quermonne offers a brief history of Europe facing the test of time...
Jean-Louis Quermonne
The author describes the political and historic construction of this market, an effort shared between church, state, and private entrepreneurs...
Pascale Trompette
Two fundamental questions: that of a republican meritocracy founded more on an archaic social model than on acquired knowledge, and that of the possibility of reforming these graduate programs so strongly anchored in the blueprint of their founders...
Culture générale et haute fonction publique
Claire Oger
La sécurité des femmes est largement ignorée des médias et des politiques publiques. Ce livre révèle les multiples résistances que ce sujet suscite ...
La vulnérabilité des femmes en question
Marylène Lieber