Jean-Noel Jeanneney est professeur des Universités à Sciences Po.
Specialising in the contemporary era, René Rémond (1918–2007) penned a number of works which contributed significantly to the revival of political and religious history in France. This collection brings together the accounts of historians who knew Rémond, who were influenced by his work with articles analysing specific elements of his oeuvre.
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Jean-Noël Jeanneney, Jean-François Sirinelli
Cet ouvrage dresse le tableau des forces politiques et sociales de la France à la veille de la seconde guerre mondiale...
Janine Bourdin, René Rémond
The work retraces the four year existence of the Haute Autorité de la Communication Audiovisuelle (High Authority of Audiovisual Communications or "High Authority"). It is a story of a great crossroads between media history and politics...
Histoire de la Haute Autorité
Agnès Chauveau