Echelons européens & nationaux dans le processus d'émergence d’une politique locale de jeunesse «intégrée»-Poids de «l’impératif partenarial» au sein de 2 projets territoriaux sur la jeunesse-Jeunes dans les politiques des conseils régionaux- Sur la vocation partenariale des «Cités éducatives»-Fabrique de l’éducation à la santé des lycéen·ne·s
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La jeunesse dans les politiques locales : échelons de décision et partenariats
Patricia Loncle, Emmanuelle Maunaye
The notions of merit and equal opportunity constitute not only the precepts of a society where strong inequalities persist, but that they are, in certain ways, contrary to justice.
Marie Duru-Bellat
Un club de cadres de culture musulmane : ni communauté ni communalisation - Entretenir un rapport mobilisé à sa condition sociale en milieu populaire - Enseigner dans les marges - Classes populaires et orientation dans l'enseignement professionnel en Suisse
Faire et défaire les solidarités communautaires
et al.
This book presents the results of a vast investigation into the knowledge that different publics (candidates and graduates at public architecture schools, professional architects, mediators, and the broader public) have of French people's relationship with architecture and architects.
Guy Tapie
Sommaire: La BD, miroir ou moteur des activités physiques des jeunes?-L'album d’inspiration catholique Pierrot sportif-Thorgal, une masculinité «douce» comme modèle pour la jeunesse-Représentation du corps des héroïnes chez Jean-Claude Servais-« Un rugby de petites choses » en BD-Le manga de sport comme récit de formation pour la jeunesse au Japon
Bande dessinée, jeunesses et activités corporelles
Julien Fuchs, Sébastien Laffage-Cosnier
Sommaire : Introduction-Lorenzo Barrault-Stella, Alexis Spire Les contournements discrets de l'impôt-Camille Heurlin-Giret Des dominants dans les procès pour fraude fiscale-Alexis Spire Un entre-soi de possédants-Céline Bessière, Sibylle Gollac Ruptures de riches-Emilie Biland, Muriel Mille Carte scolaire à la carte- Lorenzo Barrault-Stella
Quand les classes supérieures s'arrangent avec le droit
Sommaire : Politiques de densification & inégalités territoriales dans l'agglomération de Lyon-Neoliberalism French Style : marché & politique dans la gestion de l'environnement à Nantes-Métropolisation, intercommunalité & inégalités sociospatiales-Militantismes libertaire & féministe face aux violences sexuelles. La gauche radicale de Göttingen
Politiques urbaines et (in)justice spatiale
Could playing games be the best way to make the most of the resources of the digital transformations currently underway ? Long relegated to the area of pastimes and entertainment, play provides an essential contribution to the well-being and development of individuals as well as the balance of society.
Pour une approche ludique des mutations numériques
Jean-Alain Jutteau
"A perfectly timely guide for conflict analysis, put forth by two great masters. There is no better instrument for teaching students how to understand the causes, the processes and the results of different forms of political conflict." Jack A. Goldstone, George Mason University.
De la grève à la révolution
Sidney Tarrow, Charles Tilly
How does the political order fall apart? What are crises made of, and how should they be explained? These questions are at the heart of Michel Dobry's book, La sociologie des crises politiques, originally published in 1986 and which has inspired researchers with its groundbreaking approach to revolutionary phenomena and political transitions.
Relire la sociologie de Michel Dobry
Myriam Aït-Aoudia, Antoine Roger
What are the conditions of success of a boycott? Is an alliance of consumers, citizens and workers possible? Mode of action of a global civil society and strong purchasing power, boycott could be as decisive for the twenty-first century as was the strike to the labor movement.
Ingrid Nyström, Patricia Vendramin
In Morocco, despite strong protest movements, monarchy repeatedly heckled was not reversed. Drawing on his experience of more than 3 years immersed in Moroccan society, the author retraces the journeys of human rights activists, Islamist actors and feminist activists to reveal how protest functions in Morocco, and how the regime accommodates it.
La révolution désamorcée
Frédéric Vairel
This first dictionary of entrepreneurship provides both the concepts and examples needed to describe and understand entrepreneurship from different economic perspectives, thus offering a large overview of both seminal and contemporary research.
Pierre-Marie Chauvin, Michel Grossetti
Will cultural industries disappear because of the digital revolution? Can they survive the major disruptions caused by new technologies? In this little survival guide, the professionals of the cultural industries will find some keys to face this major challenge.
Les industries culturelles face au numérique
Emmanuel Durand
An essay on the culture of adolescents and young adults based on their use of the Internet and social networks, social transformations they induce, transformatios that the author mentions as a possible rupture anthropological.
Les jeunes et les réseaux sociaux, de la dérision à la subversion
Monique Dagnaud
How do these people, be they immigrants or the descendents of immigrants, write themselves into French society?
Enquête sur les citoyens d'origine maghrébine, africaine et turque
Sylvain Brouard, Vincent Tiberj
In an environment characterized by cultural diversification and globalization, the cultural heritage faces new challenges which, beyond the issue of returning objects to their country of origin, make a new "cultural heritage pact" imperative.
Patrice Béghain
This book brings a strictly scientific perspective to the measurement of crimes arguing for three major changes: an analyse over the long term, an evaluation method no longer monopolized by the most powerful and an urgente evaluation of financial crime.
Philippe Robert, Renée Zauberman