This initial assessment of the environmental situation in China thus analyses both the causes of this crisis and the environmental policies subsequently implemented in order to understand a precarious situation that will affect the future of the Earth.
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Évolutions et limites des politiques publiques
Jean-François Huchet
Focusing on Congress and questions of health protection, Anne Laure Beaussier shows how the changes in federal power since the 1970s and the ideological polarization between democrats and republicans have affected the social policies of this country.
Une histoire politique
Anne-Laure Beaussier
This survey on the rise of plantation companies since the 1970s, shows the conditions for the emergence and development of agrarian capitalism with a strong environmental and economic impact both in Asia and over the World.
Économie politique de la grande plantation en Indonésie et en Malaisie
Stéphanie Barral
As globalisation has spread, health has become a topic of foreign policy and global governance that powers use to gain influence, prestige, in power. This book highlights the political and strategic issues of "global health" then examine the diplomatic game it generates.
Dominique Kerouedan, Joseph Brunet-Jailly
Que sait-on de la justice chinoise contemporaine, ses caractéristiques ou sa marge d'indépendance ? Ce travail inédit révèle les contradictions majeures d'un appareil judiciaire qui se réforme de façon chaotique en plaquant les principes internationaux de bonne gouvernance sur des rites ancrés dans une double tradition impériale et maoïste.
Entre faits et droit
Stéphanie Balme
Drawing on numerous case studies and the expertise of some twenty researchers, this book provides a summary of the main key resources and methods adopted in international relations research, including using archives and databases, conducting interviews, establishing a corpus, analyzing quantitative data, producing nuanced interpretation of images.
Guillaume Devin
Qu'il s'agisse du Luxembourg, du Qatar, de Singapour ou, plus généralement, des petits États au Conseil de Sécurité, ce numéro propose une réflexion sur le statut de « petit État ». Quel intérêt ces petits pays trouvent-ils dans un engagement multilatéral ? Et dans quelle mesure, inversement, contribuent-ils à transformer le multilatéralisme ?
Les petits États au prisme du multilatéralisme
Auriane Guilbaud, et al.
Coordinated by three of the best experts in environmental migration, with the help of cartographers and specialists in computer graphics, this pioneering work provides the first comprehensive overview of the state of affairs in this area. With more than 100 maps and graphics, it possible solutions to this major 21st century challenge.
Dina Ionesco, Daria Mokhnacheva
This book combines history, international relations and public finances to provide an implicit portrayal of an institution in which money is as much a political subject as it is budgetary. It reveals the mysteries of a still-imperfect multilateralism and calls for reform of the financial and administrative governance of the UN.
ou la crise permanente
Morgan Larhant
The institutional, financial and political innovations that result from the resolution of these conflicts reflect the vivacity of local democracy and the variability inherent in the notion of social acceptability. Comparing differents situations in Europe, the authors lay out a framework to help with decision-making.
Conflits, démocratie, acceptabilité sociale
François Bafoil
This Manifesto for environmental geography illustrates a collective desire to go beyond individual practices in order to examine the epistemological and political role of geography when challenged by environmental crises.
Géographie, écologie, politique
Denis Chartier, Estienne Rodary
In 1989 in Algeria, a pluralist democracy replaced an authoritarian system. How this democratic experiment was organized? And how has it failed three years later? A key book to understand the singular position of Algeria and its "stability" during the "Arab revolutions".
Apprentissages politiques et changement de régime
Myriam Aït-Aoudia
Since Marine Le Pen was elected president of the Front National in 2011, the party has broken all its electoral records, attracted an unprecedented number of new supporters, and elected the most officials ever in its history. But has the party truly changed? Fundamentally, the answer is no. This is the conclusion of the thorough investigation.
Sociologie d'un parti politique
Sylvain Crépon, Alexandre Dézé
The post-Cold War was a one-dimension world, synonymous with US material preeminence and the normative hegemony of liberalism on global governance. Can the ascent Chinese, Russian revisionism or revivalism Islamist challenge this order?
Dario Battistella
A global overview of environmental issues raised by the new policies of the Earth by the best scholars in the field — philosophers, economists, sociologists, historians, engineers, political scientists and international relations experts.
François Gemenne
This book traces the contours of a biophysical economy , embedded in the cycles of nature , slow , local , and sober. On the horizon of this new paradigm, the degrowth is no longer a constraint but an ethical and physical necessity .
Politiques de l'Anthropocène II
Agnès Sinaï
"International Environment Policy" brings together in one volume all aspects of global environmental governance policy offering pedagogical texts accompanied by numerous tables, charts, diagrammes, timelines, graphs, indices and links to specialised resources, in order to facilitate understanding.
Jean-Frédéric Morin, Amandine Orsini
Pharmaceutical companies are increasingly involved in the field of international health (the fight against AIDS, tuberculosis , etc.). What is their role, what actions do they put out? Are they able to cooperate with States, NGOs, international organizations and private foundations?
Firmes privées et gouvernance mondiale de la santé
Auriane Guilbaud