Sommaire : L'identité de groupe La responsabilité incorporée Le corps collectif des contractants La réalité des groupes agents Les doctrines organicistes et la figuration des entités collectives. Les motifs d’un engouement et d’une éclipse Quel genre de groupe sont les races ?
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Entités collectives
et al.
Sommaire : De quoi le contexte est-il le nom ? Critique de l'usage de la notion de contexte en sociologie électorale - Qu'est-ce que la guerre ? Une réinterprétation de la « Formule » de Carl von Clausewitz - Pour une approche sociologique des guerres civiles - Privatisation et fragmentation de la violence en Colombie
The polarisation of the labour market affects most countries and has become a striking phenomenon over the last two decades. It has led to an explosion in wage gaps and an increased risk of unemployment and insecurity. Is this phenomenon inevitable ?
Pourquoi l'emploi se polarise
Grégory Verdugo
Sommaire : La menace militaire russe : une évaluation Les initiatives de l'OTAN depuis le début de la crise ukrainienne La fragmentation de l'architecture de sécurité dans la Baltique La Politique européenne de voisinage à l'épreuve de la guerre en Ukraine Les inflexions de la politique étrangère en Europe centrale & orientale après la crise
Les conséquences de la crise ukrainienne en Europe
Beirut, Cairo, Algiers, Istanbul: have they become ungovernable? Are they too dense, too polluted, too unequal? By delving into the fabric of their networks and institutions, this book shows that the major difficulties of these towns reflect not the lack of government, but rather its specific forms.
Gouverner par les rentes
Dominique Lorrain
By tracing the role the profession of business lawyer has acquired within the confines of the state and the market, the authors of this fascinating investigation explore the contours of this grey area at the edge of political and administrative institutions. What does this ascension cost us today, both politically and democratically ?
Enquête sur un grand brouillage
Pierre France, Antoine Vauchez
This book questions the mechanisms that lead to this blackout and analyses the way in which workplace health policies are developed in France. It shows how the instruments and procedures for managing professional risks are now conceived by and for experts, which makes it very difficult for workers' representativeand citizens to appropriate them.
Les politiques de santé au travail
Emmanuel Henry
In this book, a team of researchers from CEVIPOF suggests that what is "common" is no longer based on what is public, but on what is private. That politics is now evolving in communitarian spaces of all kinds, family, religious denominations, political parties, oligarchies...
Pascal Perrineau, Luc Rouban
In homage to the pluralist political sociology practiced and defended by this French pioneer of experimental survey research, this volume provides an up-to-date overview of current research and major controversies in this field of political science today, thus also serving as an introduction to the analysis of political behaviour.
Je vote, tu contestes, elle cherche...
Olivier Fillieule, Florence Haegel
Drawing on hitherto overlooked sources, Christophe Defeuilley presents three urban histories, in London, New York, and Paris. He describes the major events that punctuated the creation of public water utilities. An in-depth look into the history, both great and small, of the world's three largest cities in 1900.
La création du service public de l'eau
Christophe Defeuilley
Using the tools of political science, Emiliano Grossman and Nicolas Sauger have drawn up a diagnosis of this French malady, identifying its causes and offering a number of roads to recovery.
Emiliano Grossman, Nicolas Sauger
Following the oil shock of 1973, a massive wave of inflation spread throughout Europe. This volume explores these upheavals through a broad historical lens, by examining countries in Western, Northern and Eastern Europe, as well as trade unions, businesses and international organizations, particularly the European Community and GATT.
L'inflation en Europe dans les années 1970
Michel-Pierre Chélini, Laurent Warlouzet
Revisiting the high points of cultural policy under François Mitterrand, examining the policies that instated the 'right to cultural difference' and their culmination during the 1993 Gatt negotiations, Vincent Martigny captures the spirit of a decade that remains crucial to understand contemporary disputes over the question of identity.
Culture(s) et identités nationales (1981-1995)
Vincent Martigny
180 petites phrases, propos impolitiques, définitions lestes, maximes burlesques, formules perverses et autres sentences corrosives. Irrévérencieusement choisies par le politologue Guy Hermet, malicieusement illustrées par LMNOP.
Guy Hermet
On the eve of crucial elections, this double issue of the Revue française de science politique aims to better understand the new architecture of power in France.
Politiques de l'organisation
Philippe Bezes, Patrick Le Lidec
Crossing records of unpublished archives, interviews, ethnographic observation, articles and statistics, this book provides, beyond the folklore of Marseille a vision both precise and distanced of the ways to govern a city.
Gouvernement et hégémonie politique à Marseille
Cesare Mattina
In the face of the awakening of fundamentalisms and violent extremisms, Jean Picq invites us to re-read our history, to identify the key points that have allowed us to define new relations between the spiritual and the temporal and to see the triumph of reason dedicated to civil peace.
Relire l'histoire, éclairer le présent
Jean Picq
In a society that promotes respect for privacy, freedom and mobility, detention centers, particularly the prison and the mental hospital, have a problematic character. This thema is interested in daily practices that reduce the disturbance induced by the contradictory injunctions to the institution.
Faire tenir les murs