This clear and well-documented study on the emergence of the rule of law in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus offers reflections which can also be applied to other contexts, in particular the events of the Arab Spring.
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La voie étroite des pays entre Europe et Russie
Florent Parmentier
A fascinating retrospective of Intelligence history (from Pearl Harbor to September 11th, from mass intoxication in preparation for the Normandy landing to Wikileaks, etc.) and a presentation of contemporary issues of Intelligence.
Géopolitique du pouvoir
Sébastien-Yves Laurent
À travers quatre contributions utilisant les résultats de la 4e enquête sur les valeurs des Européens menée en 2008, ce dossier s'intéresse aux réponses des 18-30 ans, à leurs espaces d’appartenance (intégrant la question du cosmopolitisme) et à leur sentiment européen dans sa dimension politique.
Jeunes européens : quelles valeurs en partage ?
et al.
Examining the immense challenge of environmental migration for the international community, this volume presents an overview of the current research and debates on this issue, with an added emphasis on legal matters and issues of governance.
Enjeux et gouvernance
Christel Cournil, Benoît Mayer
Les formes contemporaines de résistance sont-elles vraiment nouvelles ? D'où naît l'indignation ? L’analyse des pratiques de résistance comme les mobilisations homosexuelles, RESF, les AMAP, etc., tente de répondre à ces questions.
Bruno Frère, Marc Jacquemain
Between memoirs and debate, Former Foreign Minister Roland Dumas comments here the slow and difficult passage between two centuries as one of the main players in an exceptional period in terms of international relation.
Roland Dumas
An incisive essay on Europe's strenghts and weaknesses, as it seems to be stepping back on the international scene.
Zaki Laïdi
Close to 32 million acres of rainforest are destroyed each year. Many tools exist to stop this catastrophe. But are they quite innovative and competitive? A remarquable essay on the tracks to favor!
Instruments de marchés et REDD+ versus principes de réalité
Romain Pirard
Alain Karsenty
This book tells about why we have ignored the warnings. It discusses the frailties of the human species as expressed in both the institutions we built and the psychological dispositions that have led us to self-destruction.
Faire face à la réalité du changement climatique
Clive Hamilton
Françoise Gicquel, Jacques Treiner
Essential contribution to the debate on energy transition, the books reveals the political, economic and social mechanisms informing technological choices, consequently allowing us to evaluate France's position in comparison with Germany and Denmark.
Politiques des énergies renouvelables en Europe
Aurélien Evrard
PRIX LOUIS MARIN 2014. Au pouvoir en même temps de 1974 à 1981, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing et Helmut Schmidt ont une volonté commune : faire progresser l'union économique et monétaire en Europe. Riche des témoignages inédits des principaux acteurs, ce livre offre un éclairage sur une période d'une importance considérable pour l'histoire de l’Europe.
La persévérance récompensée
Amaury de Saint Périer
Jacques de Larosière
Cet ouvrage, rédigé une équipe de chercheurs français, fournit un cadre pour comprendre la situation des partis en France et soulève également une interrogation sur une éventuelle « manière française » de les appréhender, en bref qui ouvre un débat.
Carole Bachelot, Alexandre Dézé
Florence Haegel
The 21st century will be known as that of a 'decline in energy'. Confronted as we are with a dramatic break in the history of time, it is imperative that we rapidly adopt a model other than productivism.
Politiques de l'Anthropocène
Agnès Sinaï
Peace, trade, nuclear, environment, Europe... Multilateralism requires players to constantly negotiate. A very useful synthesis on the specifics of the multilateral negotiations for professionals, teachers and students.
Franck Petiteville, Delphine Placidi-Frot
Bertrand Badie
Services represent almost 80% of the GDP of the OECD countries, but only 20% of their international trade. This innovating book, based on multiple case studies, lists the constraints of globalizing services, whether social, economic or cultural in nature.
Mondialisation, normalisation et régulation de l'économie des services
Jean-Christophe Graz, Nafi Niang
Far from the impediments of a heroic history of Europe with its crises and re-founding treaties, the author shows why and how law became the principal device through which Europe was able to impose itself as a new power centre.
L'invention d'un programme institutionnel pour l'Europe
Antoine Vauchez
More than just an atlas, this work is a true toolbox. Acessible and instructional, the atlas describes the dynamic paradoxical changes essential for a full comprehension of globalization processes, with a special report on United States.
Comprendre l'espace mondial contemporain - Dossier spécial États-Unis
Marie-Françoise Durand, Thomas Ansart
A sociological, historical and European approach to the phenomenon of partisanship applied to the Right in France and to the UMP (Union pour un mouvement populaire) since 2002, that will help understanding the actual leadership conflict at the top of UMP.
Transformations de l'UMP