"International Environment Policy" brings together in one volume all aspects of global environmental governance policy offering pedagogical texts accompanied by numerous tables, charts, diagrammes, timelines, graphs, indices and links to specialised resources, in order to facilitate understanding.
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Jean-Frédéric Morin, Amandine Orsini
Serving as a reference point on climate change and related strategical questions, this work examines the relationship between science and politics; the evolving geopolitics of climate; energy transition in Europe, the United States and major emerging countries; and the multiple links between climate change and globalisation.
20 ans de négociations internationales
Stefan Aykut, Amy Dahan
In a Europe with limited budgets and faltering solidarity, how can we reduce the fuel poverty of a growing percentage of the population? This volume compares policies developed in United Kingdom, France, Germany, Poland and Hungary to deal with this phenomenon.
Les précaires invisibles
François Bafoil, Ferenc Fodor
Examining the immense challenge of environmental migration for the international community, this volume presents an overview of the current research and debates on this issue, with an added emphasis on legal matters and issues of governance.
Enjeux et gouvernance
Christel Cournil, Benoît Mayer
Close to 32 million acres of rainforest are destroyed each year. Many tools exist to stop this catastrophe. But are they quite innovative and competitive? A remarquable essay on the tracks to favor!
Instruments de marchés et REDD+ versus principes de réalité
Romain Pirard
Alain Karsenty
This book tells about why we have ignored the warnings. It discusses the frailties of the human species as expressed in both the institutions we built and the psychological dispositions that have led us to self-destruction.
Faire face à la réalité du changement climatique
Clive Hamilton
Françoise Gicquel, Jacques Treiner
Essential contribution to the debate on energy transition, the books reveals the political, economic and social mechanisms informing technological choices, consequently allowing us to evaluate France's position in comparison with Germany and Denmark.
Politiques des énergies renouvelables en Europe
Aurélien Evrard
The 21st century will be known as that of a 'decline in energy'. Confronted as we are with a dramatic break in the history of time, it is imperative that we rapidly adopt a model other than productivism.
Politiques de l'Anthropocène
Agnès Sinaï
How to rethink the concept of sovereignty in times of ecological crisis? In reality, the crisis questions the core principles of the city: rather than a policy of men over things of nature, we must develop a cosmopolitan policy of nature.
Philosophie politique en temps de crise écologique
Gérard Mairet
How to created scientific controversies and who benefits from them? A book for everyone who wants to understand what's behind the climate change denial.
Jean-Michel Decroly, François Gemenne
The 2012 edition of Mediterra takes the mobilising potential of the Mediterranean Diet as a basis and proposes a multidimensional itinerary involving sociodemographics, health, ecology, enterprise, geo-economics and citizens' initiative.
La diète méditerranéenne pour un développement régional durable
The Mediterranean Diet for Sustainable Regional Development
Cities have crucial importance for sustainability concerns. This new edition of Regards sur la Terre analyses how cities work and identifies contemporary trends, mecanisms and tools that can influence curent strategies and choices.
Villes changer de trajectoire
Pierre Jacquet, Rajendra K. Pachauri
Atlas Mediterra, the new edition of CIHEAM's report, illustrates the diversity and complexity of the Mediterrean world and reveals the geo-economic, social, regional and political trends under way in the region.
Agriculture, alimentation, pêche et mondes ruraux en Méditerranée
Mediterra 2009, the fruit of cooperation between the Ciheam and the Blue Plan, analyzes the new dynamics of Mediterranean rural worlds...
Rethinking Rural Development in the Mediterranean
Mediterra 2009 analyse les grands défis pour la durabilité et la compétitivité des agricultures méditerranéennes...
Repenser le développement rural en Méditerranée
In a context where agriculture matters are high, Mediterra 2008 presents a discussion of the future of agriculture and food in Mediterranean countries and proposes to contribute to the debate on co-operation policies in the Mediterranean Basin.
the Future of Agriculture and Food in Mediterranean Countries
Dans un contexte marqué par le retour de la question agricole, Mediterra 2008 propose un dossier sur les futurs agricoles et alimentaires en Méditerranée, et s'invite dans le débat sur les politiques de coopération au sein du Bassin méditerranéen.
Les futurs agricoles et alimentaires en Méditerranée