Revue économique 74-4, juillet 2023

Special issue of Revue économique in honor of Robert Aumann
First Edition

Aumann and Game Theory-Correlated Equilibrium in Games with Incomplete Information-Large Economies-Rational Dialogues- Common Knowledge in Game Theory-Subjectivity and Correlation in Randomized Strategies Revisited-Subjective Causality-An Ultra-An Ultra-Refined Grammar for Interactions: Thoughts on Robert Aumann's Philosophy of Game Theory Read More

Robert Aumann, Nobel Prize in Economics in 2005, has more than anyone else contributed to creating game theory as a unified field of research in the second half of the 20th century. The contributions in this volume, in their majority, come out of the Colloquium in Honor of Robert Aumann that was held October 11, 2021, at the University Paris-Panthéon-Assas on the occasion of Robert Aumann's receiving an honoris causa doctorate from the University Paris-Panthéon-Assas. The honoris causa ceremony took place the following day, October 12, in the Grand Amphithéâtre of Sorbonne University.
Robert Aumann, Prix Nobel d’économie en 2005, a contribué plus que quiconque à faire de la théorie des jeux un domaine de recherche unifié durant la seconde moitié du xxe siècle. La majeure partie des contributions de ce numéro spécial a fait l’objet d’une communication lors du colloque organisé en son honneur, le 11 octobre 2021, à l’occasion de la remise, le lendemain, des insignes de doctorat honoris causa par l’Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas.

Paperback - In French 25.00 €


Presses de Sciences Po
Managing editor
Antoine Billot, Christina Pawlowitsch,
Revue économique
Publisher Category
> Political Economics > French Economy
Publisher Category
> Political Economics > International Economy
Publisher Category
> Political Economics
Publisher Category
> Society
BISAC Subject Heading
BUS000000 BUSINESS & ECONOMICS > BUS069000 BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Economics > BUS035000 BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / International
BIC subject category (UK)
KC Economics
Onix Audience Codes
06 Professional and scholarly
Title First Published
09 November 2023
Type of Work
Journal Issue


Product Detail
Publication Date
09 November 2023
Product Content
Text (eye-readable)
Main content page count : 160, Front matter page count (Roman) : 160
15.5 x 24 cm
220 grams
Version 2.1, Version 3

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Antoine Billot, Christina Pawlowitsch

Antoine Billot, Christina Pawlowitsch

Aumann and Game Theory
Sylvain Sorin

Correlated Equilibrium in Games with Incomplete Information
Françoise Forges

Large Economies
Enrico Minelli

Rational Dialogues
John Geanakoplos, Herakles Polemarchakis

Common Knowledge in Game Theory
Lucie Ménager

About Subjective Probability
Lorenzo Bastianello, Vassili Vergopoulos

Subjectivity and Correlation in Randomized Strategies Revisited
Michael Greinecker

Subjective Causality
Yotam Alexander, Itzhak Gilboa

An Ultra-Refined Grammar for Interactions: Thoughts on Robert Aumann's Philosophy of Game Theory
Alexander Linsbichler

Introduction to Robert Aumann’s Talk in the Colloquium
Jörgen Weibull

The World of Game Theory and Game Theory of the World: A Personal Journey
Robert J. Aumann