In order to try and retrace the DNA of Macronism after a year of scandals, Luc Rouban draws on large-scale surveys of French public opinion, as well as on the entourage of the President and the new Assembly.
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Luc Rouban
This unbiased portrait, provided by economists, historians, political scientists, and legal scholars, shows that in its sixty years of existence, the 5th French Republic has only survived by transforming itself.
Olivier Duhamel, Martial Foucault
Le temps des élites : ouverture politique et fermeture sociale à l'Assemblée nationale en 2017 - Des voix aux sièges : les élections législatives de 2017 - Le vote décentré ? Renouvellement générationel - Populisme et choix électoral
Elections françaises 2017 (2)
et al.
A process of creative destruction of a rare intensity swept through the French political system during the 2017 elections, comparable to a devastated battleground. After the storm, now comes the time for analysis and the first research results.
Les élections présidentielle et législatives de 2017
Pascal Perrineau
By tracing the role the profession of business lawyer has acquired within the confines of the state and the market, the authors of this fascinating investigation explore the contours of this grey area at the edge of political and administrative institutions. What does this ascension cost us today, both politically and democratically ?
Enquête sur un grand brouillage
Pierre France, Antoine Vauchez
Using the tools of political science, Emiliano Grossman and Nicolas Sauger have drawn up a diagnosis of this French malady, identifying its causes and offering a number of roads to recovery.
Emiliano Grossman, Nicolas Sauger
As erudite as it is enjoyable, this volume opens up new avenues for reflection, enriching the debate on the role and influence of the Prince's advisors.
Cabinets et conseillers de l'exécutif
Jean-Michel Eymeri-Douzans, Xavier Bioy
Since Marine Le Pen was elected president of the Front National in 2011, the party has broken all its electoral records, attracted an unprecedented number of new supporters, and elected the most officials ever in its history. But has the party truly changed? Fundamentally, the answer is no. This is the conclusion of the thorough investigation.
Sociologie d'un parti politique
Sylvain Crépon, Alexandre Dézé
Between memoirs and debate, Former Foreign Minister Roland Dumas comments here the slow and difficult passage between two centuries as one of the main players in an exceptional period in terms of international relation.
Roland Dumas
An analysis of the oratorical secrets, manipulation techniques and favourite words of Nicolas Sarkozy, who invented a new kind of expression, shocking many in the process and creating an authentic break in the history of the 5th Republic! .
Damon Mayaffre
A passionate reading of the evolution of presidential speeches since 1958, in which we see delivery take precedence over content: the leader replaces the idea and political thought becomes a matter of communication.
Chirac, Mitterrand, Giscard, Pompidou, de Gaulle
Based on a unique comparative analysis of four French presidential contests over the last two decades, this book is an original and comprehensive study of the sociological and psychological forces driving French voters' choices.
Éric Belanger, Bruno Cautrès
Revolutionary at 20, conservative at 60: is there truth in this old adage? Do our political attitudes change as we age? This work gives light to the ties between age, generation, life cycle and our political lives.
Anne Muxel
An unprecedented synthesis of thirty years of public debate and political decisions around a societal subject revolutionized by scientific progress.
Procréation et politique en France (1982-2011)
Dominique Mehl
50 years of history of conflict between women and power in France. This book tells the decisive stages of their accession to the highest steps of political life.
De l'exclusion à l'entrée dans la course présidentielle
Mariette Sineau
This book focuses on the evolution of campaigns and political activism online. ...). It offers an unprecedented overview of the uses of the Internet by the French parties compared to American, Italian and British parties.
Les partis politiques sur le web
Fabienne Greffet
BAsed on political sociology and military sociology, this fine research work, provides a comprehensive understanding of the evolution of the French forces.
Sociologie de la décision
Bastien Irondelle
This book addresses what is called the "crisis of representation". Parting from the idea that this is a rhetorical issue, it attempts to shed light on the truth of representative systems.
Structure et fondement d'une crise
Didier Mineur