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Enquête par panel. 1965-1967
Frédéric Bon, Guy Michelat
For the first time, an original investigation of the CFDT (French Democratic Confederation of Labour) reveals the aspects of continuity and discontinuity characteristic of this trade union, its history and its universe.
Martine Barthelemy, Claude Dargent
How do these people, be they immigrants or the descendents of immigrants, write themselves into French society?
Enquête sur les citoyens d'origine maghrébine, africaine et turque
Sylvain Brouard, Vincent Tiberj
An analysis of the oratorical secrets, manipulation techniques and favourite words of Nicolas Sarkozy, who invented a new kind of expression, shocking many in the process and creating an authentic break in the history of the 5th Republic! .
Damon Mayaffre
A passionate reading of the evolution of presidential speeches since 1958, in which we see delivery take precedence over content: the leader replaces the idea and political thought becomes a matter of communication.
Chirac, Mitterrand, Giscard, Pompidou, de Gaulle
The first analysis of the major reforms and policies that characterize Sarkozy's presidency.
Jacques de Maillard, Yves Surel
In an environment characterized by cultural diversification and globalization, the cultural heritage faces new challenges which, beyond the issue of returning objects to their country of origin, make a new "cultural heritage pact" imperative.
Patrice Béghain
Based on a unique comparative analysis of four French presidential contests over the last two decades, this book is an original and comprehensive study of the sociological and psychological forces driving French voters' choices.
Éric Belanger, Bruno Cautrès
The comparative approach has become an indispensable tool for the production of knowledge. This manual aims to facilitate access for students / researchers / teachers to methods, data and comparative studies in France, Europe and the United States.
Guide d'accès aux grandes enquêtes statistiques en sciences sociales
Alain Chenu, Laurent Lesnard
The author analyses the profound transformation of Japanese capitalism, along with a reflection on the diversity of capitalisms. He shows that Japan is still a subjet of studies capable of throwing light on the global issues of the world economy.
Sébastien Lechevalier
Revolutionary at 20, conservative at 60: is there truth in this old adage? Do our political attitudes change as we age? This work gives light to the ties between age, generation, life cycle and our political lives.
Anne Muxel
Guy Hermet offers a selection of little ironic, burlesque phrases, revealing in a few short, memorable words the hidden nature of things.
Guy Hermet
An unprecedented synthesis of thirty years of public debate and political decisions around a societal subject revolutionized by scientific progress.
Procréation et politique en France (1982-2011)
Dominique Mehl
This book is a historic, economic, political and legal synthesis of the process of the Europeanization of public services. The author explains why it is a historical rupture, from nation-state organization to a definition of common principles and norms.
Pierre Bauby
An original thesis defending that social movements are neither a marginal component of the political landscape, nor a menace to democracy, but revive founding principles.
Mouvements sociaux et politique en France aujourd'hui
Lilian Mathieu
This book analyses public finances, in a context marked by the issue of government debt, budget constraints and the renewed policy of rigor and fiscal reforms.
Philippe Bezes, Alexandre Siné
50 years of history of conflict between women and power in France. This book tells the decisive stages of their accession to the highest steps of political life.
De l'exclusion à l'entrée dans la course présidentielle
Mariette Sineau
This book focuses on the evolution of campaigns and political activism online. ...). It offers an unprecedented overview of the uses of the Internet by the French parties compared to American, Italian and British parties.
Les partis politiques sur le web
Fabienne Greffet