Ce livre invite à un autre fédéralisme européen, celui d'un parlementarisme transnational. Il argumente en faveur de la création d’une seconde assemblée aux côtés du Parlement européen constituée de représentants des 27 parlements nationaux – les citoyens des États membres.
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Repenser le parlementarisme transnational
Guillaume Sacriste
Each new reform to the French retirement system provokes concern and protest from citizens who are aware that they will have to work longer than previous generations, without necessarily having the benefit of a comfortable retirement. Bruno Palier retraces the history of these reforms and explores the diversity of retirement systems across Europe.
Bruno Palier
For four years, between 2015 and 2019, Frédéric Mérand went behind the wings at Berlaymont, the seat of the European Commission in Brussels, in order to observe and understand how Europe is really "made".
Frédéric Mérand
Sabine Saurugger provides an overview of the concepts and theories developed in French and international research in political sociology, public policy, political theory, and international relations, recontextualizing the discussions and debates that shaped them.
2e édition mise à jour et augmentée
Sabine Saurugger
This book is a historic, economic, political and legal synthesis of the process of the Europeanization of public services. The author explains why it is a historical rupture, from nation-state organization to a definition of common principles and norms.
Pierre Bauby
Ce classique des études urbaines montre que les villes européennes (de taille moyenne) sont un phénomène historique de longue durée, et qu'elles demeurent innovantes et dynamiques malgré les processus de globalisation.
2e édition augmentée d'une préface inédite
Patrick Le Galès
This work offers a complete view of the institutional system, the actors, the political game and modes of action of the European Union. It aims to offer the fundamental elements for comprehending current challenges Europe must face.
Renaud Dehousse
A provocative and simple analysis of the European integration process. Nicolas Jabko demonstrates that the European Commission deployed a strategy that invoked mulitple dimensions of the logic of the "market" to promote its political objectives.
Histoire d'une stratégie improbable
Nicolas Jabko
What is Europe up to? In what areas is it taking action? Is it meeting the expectations of its citizens? This work helps to better understand the policies of European institutions, their issues and priorities.
Renaud Dehousse, Florence Deloche-Gaudez
Echoing the method of Fernand Braudel, Jean-Louis Quermonne offers a brief history of Europe facing the test of time...
Jean-Louis Quermonne
In a context where agriculture matters are high, Mediterra 2008 presents a discussion of the future of agriculture and food in Mediterranean countries and proposes to contribute to the debate on co-operation policies in the Mediterranean Basin.
the Future of Agriculture and Food in Mediterranean Countries
An analysis of the European neighborhood policy, its reception by the concerned nations (Ukraine, Georgia, Moldavia, Balkans, Turkey) and the issues Europe must respond frome the Russian border to Euro-mediterranean partnership.
Les politiques de voisinage de l'Union européenne
Jacques Rupnik
Document de référence publié depuis 1999, le rapport annuel du CIHEAM, intitulé désormais Mediterra, reflète l'évolution d'ensemble des agricultures des pays du pourtour méditerranéen.
Identité et qualité des produits alimentaires méditerranéens
Mediterra has focused this first edition on the questions of the identity, safety and quality of Mediterranean foodstuffs.
Identity and quality of mediterranean foodstuffs
This work summarizes thirty years of Political Science and International Relations debate on Europe and its relations with the world.
Franck Petiteville
L'ouvrage permet une analyse en profondeur de la crise politique actuelle, à un moment où la France fait difficilement face aux pressions exercées par l’Europe et par l’économie globalisée.
This book retraces and analyzes the great negotiations of European commerce politics...
L'Europe dans les négociations commerciales internationales
Sylvain Brémond, Sylvie Kleiman-Lafon
Sophie Meunier