The authors of this book trace the emergence of this regulatory moment through a group of small independent bureaucracies (Cnil, Arcom, Autorité de la concurrence, etc.) that have seen their sphere of influence constantly broadened since the early 2000s.
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Naissance d'une contre-culture de gouvernement
Antoine Vauchez
Cet ouvrage montre que la métropole parisienne s'apparente à une « anarchie organisée », avec ses contingences, ses rapports de forces, ses veto redoutables pour empêcher l'émergence de politiques ou bloquer leur mise en place, mais aussi ses instruments et ses données plus ou moins partagés, ses coalitions stabilisées et ses projets politiques.
Francesca Artioli, Patrick Le Galès
Magnette describes its institutional mechanisms that, without abolishing sovereignty, constrained the member states of the European union to adopt cooperation and compromise rather than aggression and arrogance as a mode for decision-making.
5e édition revue et augmentée
Paul Magnette
Bringing together the most recent studies, this book explores the way French society looks at the police as an institution.
Jacques de Maillard, Wesley Skogan
Based on interviews with the primary protagonists and the exclusive consultation of government archives, the book presents several political and bureaucratic spaces in which the debates on the subject took place and where the opposing arguments – always intricately connected to struggles for power – were laid out.
Enquête sur l'interdiction française du gaz de schiste
Sébastien Chailleux, Philippe Zittoun
Food security cannot be only considered in light of quantity and of development, it must also take into account health, social, climate, and environmental aspects.
Gouverner la sécurité alimentaire
Antoine Bernard de Raymond, Delphine Thivet
How does public policy evolve in times of crisis? The comparative and international framework proposed in this book are important in understanding public action during times of crises, including the COVID 19 pandemic.
2008 et ses suites
Patrick Hassenteufel, Sabine Saurugger
A Parisian metropolis is emerging, albeit somewhat chaotically. This is demonstrated by the authors of this book that retraces the history of the governance of this city.
État, conflits, institutions, réseaux
Patrick Le Galès
L'enquête de William Genieys met au jour le rôle de ces nouvelles élites politiques américaines qui œuvrent pour que l’État fédéral soit au service non pas des lobbyistes, mais de l’intérêt général.
La réussite de l'Obamacare
William Genieys
Conçu dans une logique pluridisciplinaire, exhaustif et didactique, ce dictionnaire offre un point de vue original sur les dynamiques territoriales contemporaines et sur les notions clés qui servent à les appréhender. Outil d'analyse et d’aide à la décision, il met un savoir clair à la disposition de tous.
2e édition mise à jour et augmentée
Romain Pasquier, Sébastien Guigner
À partir de récits biographiques recueillis auprès d'individus ayant des incapacités motrices ou visuelles, l’ouvrage montre que les droits associés au handicap, souvent imprécis dans les textes, souffrent de défauts majeurs de mise en oeuvre.
Handicap, action publique et changement social
Anne Revillard
Pesticides have long been the object of public policies that seek to guarantee that their toxic effects will not harm the human populations. Yet, over the last twenty-five years, data produced by a number of epidemiological studies conducted outside the marketing approval process give rise to questions about just how solid these guarantees are.
Comment ignorer ce que l'on sait
Jean-Noël Jouzel
Ce dictionnaire offre les outils intellectuels indispensables pour comprendre les transformations contemporaines de l'action publique. Il ne se contente pas de définir des notions mais montre comment les grands concepts de ce champ d'étude se sont forgés, puis modifiés et enrichis pour prendre en compte les nouveaux acteurs et instruments.
5e édition entièrement mise à jour et augmentée
Laurie Boussaguet, Sophie Jacquot
Peppered with testimonies, documents, anecdotes, and glimpses into life on set, this book provides an unusual "backstage tour" of the cinema, through the eyes of a sociologist cinema-lover who has observed dozens of film shoots.
Une sociologie des tournages
Gwenaële Rot
The major cities of South Africa and Nigeria have a reputation as dangerous, filled with slums and dominated by the black market. Little is known, however, about the ways in which populations are sorted, categorized and policed, in keeping with the methods of social and ethnic reification of apartheid and the colonial era.
Vies urbaines en Afrique du Sud et au Nigeria
Laurent Fourchard
This dictionary provides a unique and pluralist synthesis of contemporary knowledge in political economics. From "Austerity" to “Work” to “The 2007 Financial Crisis”, political scientists, sociologists and economists define and discuss key concepts, theoretical perspectives, and societal controversies in this vast research area.
Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoir
Colin Hay, Andy Smith
Over the last twenty years, in order to continue to support construction – including of public housing – while limiting their investments, the state and municipalities have chosen to hand things over to investors. By making themselves dependent on investors, public actors run the risk of seeing themselves stripped of their ability for action.
La fabrication des politiques du logement
Julie Pollard
The practices of representative democracy that are being developed around the world, in order to involve citizens in decision making, are privileged sites for the expression of emotions. This book demonstrates how emotions are highly standardised in these new spheres of democracy.
Loïc Blondiaux, Christophe Traïni