Services represent almost 80% of the GDP of the OECD countries, but only 20% of their international trade. This innovating book, based on multiple case studies, lists the constraints of globalizing services, whether social, economic or cultural in nature.
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Mondialisation, normalisation et régulation de l'économie des services
Jean-Christophe Graz, Nafi Niang
This book recalls the history of industrial and innovation policies implemented by China since 1949, especially in the domain of nanotechnologies, which Beijing intends to make the launching pad of its future competitivity.
Des politiques industrielles aux entreprises innovantes
Romain Bironneau
Rigas Arvanitis, François Bafoil
A unique comparative history of South East Asian and Central European economies, before and after 1989, through the prism of different models of political domination.
Économies politiques comparées, Europe de l'Est et Asie du Sud-Est
François Bafoil
The author analyses the profound transformation of Japanese capitalism, along with a reflection on the diversity of capitalisms. He shows that Japan is still a subjet of studies capable of throwing light on the global issues of the world economy.
Sébastien Lechevalier
This book is a historic, economic, political and legal synthesis of the process of the Europeanization of public services. The author explains why it is a historical rupture, from nation-state organization to a definition of common principles and norms.
Pierre Bauby
In this work, the author damages this platitude implying that big business determines political decisions explaining how corporations and politics have woven relationships of mutual influence.
L'influence du politique sur la stratégie des grandes entreprises
Cornelia Woll
Isabelle Mennesson
By involving contemporary paradigms of economic geography, comparing the development strategies employed by the central European States to others, Irish or Asian, this book provides a valuable framework for understanding the new geography of Europe.
Recomposition et européanisation des territoires
Gilles Lepesant
This book offers the first global approach on the impact of oil wealth in Algeria, Libya and Iraq from 1970 to 2008. Luis Martinez gives elements of causalities to the "Arabic spring", in particular in the oil-rich countries.
Algérie - Libye - Irak
Luis Martinez
Gilbert Rist presents a radical critique of neoclassical economics from a social and historical perspective. This book is necessera because it changes the focus on the ongoing debates about economics.
Gilbert Rist
Both China and Japan have strong assets to claim for the leadership in Asia. This stimulating essay presents the recent developments in China and in Japan, in terms of economic evolutions but also with respect to their global strategic ambitions.
Claude Meyer
In a context where agriculture matters are high, Mediterra 2008 presents a discussion of the future of agriculture and food in Mediterranean countries and proposes to contribute to the debate on co-operation policies in the Mediterranean Basin.
the Future of Agriculture and Food in Mediterranean Countries
Volume 5 : Responsabilité et régulations économiques
Marie-Anne Frison-Roche
French wines, held precariously between a slump in domestic consumption and an augmentation of production in the nations of the new world, have seen their market share dissolve since the end of the 1990s. What are the remedies ?
Bordeaux, la France, la mondialisation
Olivier Costa, Jacques de Maillard
This textbook invites the reader to explore the financial sphere through a dimension which will from this time forward will prove central : that of risk.
Un équilibre en devenir
Benoît Cougnaud
Aux sources de l'analyse keynésienne se trouve une réflexion singulière sur la psychologie des hommes et leurs rapports à l’argent, une théorie particulière de l’avenir et de l’incertitude, et une conception révolutionnaire du marché.
Bernard Maris
Document de référence publié depuis 1999, le rapport annuel du CIHEAM, intitulé désormais Mediterra, reflète l'évolution d'ensemble des agricultures des pays du pourtour méditerranéen.
Identité et qualité des produits alimentaires méditerranéens
Mediterra has focused this first edition on the questions of the identity, safety and quality of Mediterranean foodstuffs.
Identity and quality of mediterranean foodstuffs
This book is an enquiry, made by economists, into the historical origins of modern money.
L'économie des relations monétaires à la Renaissance
Marie-Thérèse Boyer-Xambeu, Ghislain Deleplace