Des panoramas, synthèses, états de l'art (« Théories », « Dictionnaires », etc.), ouvrages de pensée destinés à faire date dans leur discipline.
The author analyses the profound transformation of Japanese capitalism, along with a reflection on the diversity of capitalisms. He shows that Japan is still a subjet of studies capable of throwing light on the global issues of the world economy.
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Sébastien Lechevalier
Examining the history of international criminal justice, from Nuremberg to today, with the aid of numerous examples from the Balkans to Libya, touching on Rwanda and Darfur, this book questions the pacifying effect of justice and its limitations.
Le dilemme de la paix et de la justice en sortie de conflit armé
Jean-Baptiste Jeangène Vilmer
An unprecedented synthesis of thirty years of public debate and political decisions around a societal subject revolutionized by scientific progress.
Procréation et politique en France (1982-2011)
Dominique Mehl
Gilbert Rist presents a radical critique of neoclassical economics from a social and historical perspective. This book is necessera because it changes the focus on the ongoing debates about economics.
Gilbert Rist
An audaciously analysis on political crisis. Third edition of a French classic of political sciences.
La dynamique des mobilisations multisectorielles. 3e édition revue et augmentée d'une préface inédite
Michel Dobry
Do international institutions really contribute to building a lasting peace? If it is impossible to fight against the recommendations of international institutions, it will become difficult to reject them as a means of making peace.
La part des institutions internationales
Guillaume Devin
Both a historical and multidisciplinary thesis on individualization, this work analyzes the devices intended to create the individual in multiple ways.
Christian Le Bart
L'approche synthétique, sa dimension historique et comparatiste, son système de numérotation analytique font de ce précis un instrument de travail précieux pour les étudiants et pour la préparation des concours administratifs.
François Borella
This book invites the reader to rediscover the knowledge and the practices that shape our experience of the vote...
Yves Déloye, Olivier Ihl
Quel est l'avenir des politiques contractuelles ? Cet ouvrage en propose une synthèse et souligne l’ampleur de leurs développements récents.
Jean-Pierre Gaudin
This unique work presents the principal authors, concepts, and problems of postcolonial studies in a contrary, yet objective style.
Les postcolonial studies dans le débat français
Marie-Claude Smouts
Georges Balandier
Issu d’un cours du Centre de recherches politiques de Sciences Po (Cevipof), cet ouvrage propose aux étudiants, mais également à tous ceux que la politique intéresse, des analyses rigoureuses de la vie politique en France et en Europe.
Pascal Perrineau, Luc Rouban
This work summarizes thirty years of Political Science and International Relations debate on Europe and its relations with the world.
Franck Petiteville
The most complete analysis of 15 years of transition and Europeanization of Central and Eastern Europe.
Mondialisation, européanisation et changement social
François Bafoil
A complete outline of the most recent theories and research on nationalism, whether theoretical, normative or analytical...
Théories et pratiques
Expansion to the East and to the South. Debates on the role of Turkey. Elaboration and processes for the adoption of the Constitution. These developments evidence the difficulty of combining one with many, national personalities with European unity...
Le multiculturalisme à l'épreuve
Riva Kastoryano
Published on the occasion of the bicentenary of Tocqueville's birth this book brings together the best analyses of material written on the subject over the past 25 years in the Franco-American review dedicated to Tocqueville
"The Tocqueville review-La revue Tocqueville"
Laurence Guellec
How can we establish a science of facts and unique processes for political phenomena, and take measures of social acts as we would for political decisions?
Epistémologie du politique
Pierre Favre