Ce livre, fruit d'une enquête menée pendant plus de dix ans, raconte le difficile cheminement des exploitants agricoles pour se dire victime et obtenir réparation.
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Le long combat des victimes des pesticides
Jean-Noël Jouzel, Giovanni Prete
For six years, Lucile Quéré has conducted ethnographic research in France, Switzerland, and Belgium with feminist self-help groups who are challenging the medical hold over women's bodies and sexualities.
Luttes féministes pour la réappropriation du corps
Lucile Quéré
Contestations, appropriations et productions de savoirs par les femmes-Les ambivalences du militantisme ouest-allemand pour la santé des femmes (1971-1975)-Contestation des savoirs médicaux dans les mobilisations féministes de santé en Europe francophone-militantisme des femmes en faveur de la médicalisation de la santé au Mali entre 1969 et 1979
Mobilisations de femmes et savoirs médicaux depuis les années 1970
Emeline Fourment, Anne Kwaschik
Notes pour une sociologie incarnée du travail de la critique-L'ordinaire de la critique à Téhéran. Politiques de loisirs et paradoxes du gouvernement de la morale-Une critique bien élevée. La presse « pro-régime » dans l’Ouganda de Yoweri Museveni- Du « service rebelle » aux rebelles « de service. » Des syndicalistes face à la critique
Le travail de la critique
et al.
Political scientist and sociologist Emmanuel Henry draws on numerous cases to show how industry implements veritable strategies to exclude subjects that threaten its activities from the public debate.
Ou comment éviter que la politique s'en mêle
Emmanuel Henry
Une enquête « à chaud » auprès d'acteurs de la crise du Covid-19, qui, plutôt que des défaillances individuelles ou des dysfonctionnements techniques, met en avant des facteurs organisationnels : mauvaises leçons tirées du passé, faux sentiment de sécurité, confiance aveugle dans les outils de planification.
Henri Bergeron, Olivier Borraz
L'enquête de William Genieys met au jour le rôle de ces nouvelles élites politiques américaines qui œuvrent pour que l’État fédéral soit au service non pas des lobbyistes, mais de l’intérêt général.
La réussite de l'Obamacare
William Genieys
Medical statistics have become the primary tool in political decision making. There is a history behind this computational episteme, which Mathieu Corteel invites us to discover in this book. It began with the interpretation of 17th century death records and has been transformed over time ever since.
Mathieu Corteel
À partir de récits biographiques recueillis auprès d'individus ayant des incapacités motrices ou visuelles, l’ouvrage montre que les droits associés au handicap, souvent imprécis dans les textes, souffrent de défauts majeurs de mise en oeuvre.
Handicap, action publique et changement social
Anne Revillard
Disabled people face persistent marginalisation on the job market. This overview of the situation, with contributions from international research, demonstrates the importance of changing practices and representations surrounding disability within organizations, in order to facilitate the hiring and career progression of disabled workers.
The historian Judith Rainhorn has investigated white lead, which has been massively produced and used since the late 18th century, a poison for the workers directly exposed to it in their dusty workshops, lead pigment is today recognized as an environmental poison.
Histoire d'un poison légal
Judith Rainhorn
o better understand the question of the dependency of the elderly, which is increasingly poignant given the ageing population, Christophe Capuano provides his perspective as a historian and retraces the birth of the welfare state since the 1880s.
Une histoire de la protection sociale de 1880 à nos jours
Christophe Capuano
The relationship between individuals' health and the labour market has been the subject of many debates and a substantial amount of legislation. The current legislative frameworks do not sufficiently take into account these interactions, further increased by the ageing population, and professional careers that are longer and les ssecure.
Thomas Barnay, Florence Jusot
Twenty years after they were introduced in France, generic drugs remain controversial. For some they are authentic drugs, upon which the survival of our health insurance system depends. For others, they are poor imitations which sacrifice health in the name of economics. The development of these generics has reconfigured the French health system.
Sociologie des génériques en France
Étienne Nouguez
This book questions the mechanisms that lead to this blackout and analyses the way in which workplace health policies are developed in France. It shows how the instruments and procedures for managing professional risks are now conceived by and for experts, which makes it very difficult for workers' representativeand citizens to appropriate them.
Les politiques de santé au travail
Focusing on Congress and questions of health protection, Anne Laure Beaussier shows how the changes in federal power since the 1970s and the ideological polarization between democrats and republicans have affected the social policies of this country.
Une histoire politique
Anne-Laure Beaussier
As globalisation has spread, health has become a topic of foreign policy and global governance that powers use to gain influence, prestige, in power. This book highlights the political and strategic issues of "global health" then examine the diplomatic game it generates.
Dominique Kerouedan, Joseph Brunet-Jailly
Designed for practitioners, students and professors, this is the first dictionary devoted to health expertise. It describes the uses, notions and concepts of the field. Drawing on the most recent research, it simultaneously illustrates the institutional context surrounding expertise and the actors that contribute to it or endure its consequences.
Santé, travail, environnement
Claude Gilbert, Emmanuel Henry