the Future of Agriculture and Food in Mediterranean Countries
First Edition

In a context where agriculture matters are high, Mediterra 2008 presents a discussion of the future of agriculture and food in Mediterranean countries and proposes to contribute to the debate on co-operation policies in the Mediterranean Basin. Read More

In a context where agriculture is again high on the international agenda, Mediterra 2008 presents a forward-looking discussion of the future of agriculture and food in Mediterranean countries and proposes to contribute to the debate on co-operation policies in the Mediterranean Basin.

Mediterra 2008 highlights the strategic role and multi-sectoral dimension of Mediterranean agriculture, analysing the current trends and identifying action priorities in the region with a view to constructing the future. On the basis of these multi-disciplinary analyses, the report proposes four global scenarios for the world of 2020.

Designed for policymakers and professionals in the Euro-Mediterranean world, Mediterra 2008 provides a basis for discussion and decision-making and calls for solidarity in agricultural and environmental concerns at the Euro-Mediterranean level. In a world that has become multi-centred, it is imperative that Europe and the Mediterranean region join forces rather than lose momentum going their separate ways.

Mediterra has been produced under the scientific supervision of Mr. Bertrand Hervieu, Secretary-General of the International Centre of Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (Ciheam),an intergovernmental organisation that has become an authority on training, research and co-operation in the fields of agriculture, food and sustainable rural development in the Mediterranean region. Mediterra is published in five languages (French, English, Spanish, Arabic and Italian).

Paperback - In French 15.00 €
Info This title is also available in French


Presses de Sciences Po
Publisher Category
> Europe > European Politics
Publisher Category
> Geopolitics > Sustainable Development
Publisher Category
> Environment
Publisher Category
> International field
Publisher Category
> Political Economics
Publisher Category
> Politics
Publisher Category
> Society
BISAC Subject Heading
Onix Audience Codes
06 Professional and scholarly
Title First Published
10 April 2008
Subject Scheme Identifier Code
Thema subject category: Politics and government


Publication Date
15 March 2016
Product Content
Text (eye-readable)
Main content page count : 174
15.5 x 24 x 0.5 cm
180 grams
List Price
20.00 €
Version 2.1, Version 3

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