Sommaire : Politiser l'éducation populaire, un "réenchantement" ? Historiciser les pratiques pédagogiques d'éducation populaire. L'éducation populaire, une voie féconde pour "démocratiser la démocratie" ? Politiser sa trajectoire, démocratiser les savoirs. Épreuve d'éducation politique au Pavé. Faire du théâtre dans les cités.
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Education populaire : politisation et pratiques d'émancipation
Beirut, Cairo, Algiers, Istanbul: have they become ungovernable? Are they too dense, too polluted, too unequal? By delving into the fabric of their networks and institutions, this book shows that the major difficulties of these towns reflect not the lack of government, but rather its specific forms.
Gouverner par les rentes
Dominique Lorrain
By combining classical sociological tools with the analysis of works, authors, and protest groups, this book explores the sometimes collusive and often conflicted links between theatre and power.
Mathilde Arrigoni
By tracing the role the profession of business lawyer has acquired within the confines of the state and the market, the authors of this fascinating investigation explore the contours of this grey area at the edge of political and administrative institutions. What does this ascension cost us today, both politically and democratically ?
Enquête sur un grand brouillage
Pierre France, Antoine Vauchez
Évaluation non marchande en santé
et al.
Workplace conflict has by no means disappeared. Rather, it has adapted to different contexts and taken on new forms that sometimes appeared to be closer to resistance than traditional conflict. It is this diversification of forms of oppression – class, gender, sex and race – as well as their political implications that this book sheds light on.
Ivan Sainsaulieu
Quelle place internet occupe-t-il dans les changements au sein des entreprises ? Est-il à l'origine des transformations profondes du monde du travail que l'on observe aujourd'hui ou ces changements étaient-ils déjà bien entamés avant la révolution numérique ? Comment faire concorder solutions numériques et solutions organisationnelles ?
Le numérique (dés)organise-t-il le travail ?
Anca Boboc, François Granier
Troubles dans les rapports sociaux Le cas de l'anorexie et de la boulimie Au sommaire : La création de profit par les promoteurs immobiliers Étude sur le travail entrepreneurial de qualification des biens La réception des politiques du handicap : une approche par entretiens biographiques
In memoriam François-André Isambert
This book questions the mechanisms that lead to this blackout and analyses the way in which workplace health policies are developed in France. It shows how the instruments and procedures for managing professional risks are now conceived by and for experts, which makes it very difficult for workers' representativeand citizens to appropriate them.
Les politiques de santé au travail
Emmanuel Henry
It is the shift in perception and the transformation of a feminist struggle into a political issue that this book explores. It shows how, from the 1970s, feminists identified sexual and domestic violence, proposed specific ways of dealing with it and developed an explanatory framework linking it to structural relations between men and women.
Du combat féministe à la cause publique
Pauline Delage
This book describes the modalities of a relevant evaluation of labor market actions, which often involves the setting up of control groups, a practice that is not widely practiced in France. It also outlines the main findings of randomized studies in North America and Europe.
Apprendre de l'expérience
Bruno Crépon, Gérard Van den Berg
Drawing on hitherto overlooked sources, Christophe Defeuilley presents three urban histories, in London, New York, and Paris. He describes the major events that punctuated the creation of public water utilities. An in-depth look into the history, both great and small, of the world's three largest cities in 1900.
La création du service public de l'eau
Christophe Defeuilley
Does France care more about fraternity than equality? Réjane Sénac analyses how the boundaries between brothers and non-brothers — whether the latter are women, non-binary, or non-white — have been repeatedly redrawn instead of disappearing altogether.
Réjane Sénac
Policies aimed at achieving parity, affirmative action measures, establishing time offices to harmonize working hours, reversing the burden of proof in cases of discrimination, ensuring equal access to public spaces... the French Republic is undeniably undergoing tremendous change.
Genre, territoires, citoyenneté
Bruno Perreau, Joan W. Scott
Following the oil shock of 1973, a massive wave of inflation spread throughout Europe. This volume explores these upheavals through a broad historical lens, by examining countries in Western, Northern and Eastern Europe, as well as trade unions, businesses and international organizations, particularly the European Community and GATT.
L'inflation en Europe dans les années 1970
Michel-Pierre Chélini, Laurent Warlouzet
Dans des domaines aussi différents que l'industrie, l’agriculture, l’extraction des ressources minérales, le commerce, les communications, ce numéro étudie des cas d’investissement Sud-Sud en provenance de grands pays émergents (Chine, Inde, Brésil, Afrique du Sud) et d’autres, moins visibles comme Maurice, l’Égypte et les États du Golfe.
Quand les suds investissent dans les sud
Billions of digital consumers, millions of accessible works — and only a dozen global companies to connect the two. Are we heading towards an unprecedented cultural renaissance or, on the contrary, towards the homogenisation of taste preferences, controlled by a handful of hegemonic actors?
La diversité culturelle à l'ère de l'hyperchoix
Emmanuel Durand
Que l'on soit employeur, employé ou en recherche d’emploi, une multitude de facteurs psychologiques et cognitifs guident nos choix et nos comportements sur le marché du travail. La prise en compte des forces émotionnelles et psychologiques pourrait rendre plus efficaces les politiques de l’emploi.
Marie Claire Villeval