Le 6 rue Lecomte abrite, à partir de 1925, le Service des affaires indigènes nord-africaines. Bientôt surnommé le « bureau arabe », il traite de nombreuses plaintes et requêtes venues des deux bords de la Méditerranée, qui donnent à comprendre la situation coloniale et l'expérience migratoire au quotidien.
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Adresses d'Algériens aux autorités françaises (Akbou, Paris, 1919-1940)
Emmanuel Blanchard
Drawing on oral and written sources this book proposes an original history of the circulation of ideas and models, from the universal to the local level. In so doing she contributes to a subtle social and global history of colonisation and decolonisation.
Une histoire de la mondialisation culturelle de la jeunesse
Christina Jialin Wu
Cet ouvrage permet de restituer la vitalité et la diversité du monde associatif au tournant des XIXe et XXe siècles.
La reconnaissance d'utilité publique des associations en République (1870-1914)
Chloé Gaboriaux
L'ouvrage fait revivre un épisode méconnu de l'histoire récente des États-Unis : l’affaire de Newburgh n’annonce pas seulement le démantèlement progressif de l’État providence hérité du New Deal, elle sert aussi de rampe de lancement à un nouveau conservatisme, qui s’incarnera dans le reaganisme et fera florès jusqu’en Europe.
Aux origines du nouveau conservatisme américain
Tamara Boussac
Lola Zappi traces the source of this profession back to the inter-war period : social worker.
Assistantes sociales et familles populaires durant l'entre-deux-guerres
Lola Zappi
Between 1954 and 1962, in the middle of the war for independence, the French army and administration set out to "regroup" more than two million Algerians into 2,000 camps.
Une histoire des déplacements forcés (1954-1962)
Fabien Sacriste
For three decades, which were more post-war upheaval than they were boom, the new French state, the cutting edge of modernisation, worked its way into all areas of social and economic life. Far from diminishing, tensions between transformations imposed top-down by the technocratic elite and citizens' demands for democracy were institutionalised.
A la recherche de la République moderne
Herrick Chapman
Better known by the acronym COMECON, the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA) was founded in 1949 by the USSR and its allies in popular democracies, as an instrument for dialogue between Eastern bloc countries, and as a showcase for socialism in competition with the West and specifically the European Community.
Le CAEM et la construction du bloc socialiste (1949-1991)
Simon Godard
Deeply original in its approach and in its style, this historical investigation is an exemplary reflection on the silences of the past.
Une histoire des savoirs sur la Shoah en Bulgarie
Nadège Ragaru
A book about the oppressed workers and labourers Joseph Conrad lived alongside: serfs in Russia, workers and sailors in the French and British empires, slaves and migrants in the Indian Ocean... that ends in Congo with the extreme violence perpetrated against the indigenous people by colonial companies in their relentless search for profit.
Une histoire globale XVIIIe-XIXe siècles
Alessandro Stanziani
Frédéric Viguier retrace dans cet ouvrage l'histoire de la cause des pauvres depuis 1945, combat qui s’est souvent soldé par des victoires à la Pyrrhus face aux représentants des hautes sphères de l’État social et à leur conception d’une bonne action publique.
Frédéric Viguier
Drawing on the example of Poland, the author demonstrates that the inventory of the populations, the printing of identification cards, the choice of demographic, linguistic, or religious criteria were used to serve more diverse political projects than the historical literature has tended to suggest.
Politique et statistiques en Europe centrale (1848-1919)
Morgane Labbé
The historian Judith Rainhorn has investigated white lead, which has been massively produced and used since the late 18th century, a poison for the workers directly exposed to it in their dusty workshops, lead pigment is today recognized as an environmental poison.
Histoire d'un poison légal
Judith Rainhorn
Guillaume Mouralis provides a fascinating reading of the Nuremberg trial based on a study of the lawyers who laid its foundations and propelled and guided the debates in the United States.
Le procès international, les lawyers et la question raciale
Guillaume Mouralis
A rare testimony to an event that has been scantly documented in history, this singular book draws on extensive and up until now unexploited resources, the "Heart of Steel" broadcasts. It revives a key moment in the working-class landscape of the 1970s.
Les voix de la crise
Ingrid Hayes
o better understand the question of the dependency of the elderly, which is increasingly poignant given the ageing population, Christophe Capuano provides his perspective as a historian and retraces the birth of the welfare state since the 1880s.
Une histoire de la protection sociale de 1880 à nos jours
Christophe Capuano
This book sheds new light on the history of businesses in the contemporary era, on the influence of the church's social doctrine and Vatican II for a segment of the Catholic elite. It also explores the Church's dilemmas regarding dechristianisation and the triumph of capitalism.
Une histoire des patrons chrétiens
Marie-Emmanuelle Chessel, Nicolas de Bremond d'Ars
Christophe Farquet has uncovered numerous previously unexplored archives to understand how and when Switzerland became one of the main offshore centres of the world.
Christophe Farquet